DIY Arduino Robotic Arm


Hello Guys and Gals,

Welcome to another project by me, this time we will focus on creating a cheap and simple robotic arm that is controlled by an arduino and 3 potentiometers. This simple device only requires 5 volts of power to be able to operate. The build time is about an hour or so. Expect to be really patient while making this because all the components have to move in unison or you will have a problem.

This Robotic Arm is a really easy and simple project for most new Hobbyist! I decided to make my own robotic arm when I realized that I had some left over servos from an old project. I looked on instructables for an easy set up in which you did not have to buy a kit, but unfortunately I did not find any. All projects either required a CNC machine or a kit, so I decided to just make my own version that used Popsicle sticks as the frame and micro servos to move around. The Claw as well was homemade because I could not find any affordable deals. This is simple prototype, and version 2 will hopefully be bluetooth powered or controlled by phone/pc. Then I hope to create a better frame and also switch out the servos for better ones.
Step 1: Materials Required
Step 2: Step 2: Assemble the base and forearms
Step 3: Step 3: Assembling the Claw
Step 4: Time to Wire Everything Up
Step 5: The Code
Step 6: Video Demo and End Notes
Step 7: TroubleShooting






The tools and materials are very cheap for this project, and it should not run you more than $20 USD dollars. If you have some servos lying around then you are lucky. I should also point out that if you have a more powerful servo you could use 3 instead of 4 unlike me. These are where I got my parts please check out other sites for deals before you make a purchase.

-Popsicle Sticks $3.65 [If you want you can substitute a better suited material]

-Micro Servos x6 $16 [Please try to look for deals]

-Potentiometer x3 $2.74 [Again you make have some of these laying around]

-Jumper wires or just regular wires

-Yourduino or Arduino with a motor shield.

I used an Yourduino because it came with many ports that allowed for you to plug in multiple servos at once. I keep the limit to about 4 to not burn out the board.
If you use a regular Arduino then you will need a motor shield that allows support for 4 motors.
-Glue Gun, Hammer + Nails, base to hold arm and enclosure for the controller

*Optional is also a pcb if you want to make your controller circuit more sturdy and less complex.