Distributed Computing & Clustered Networking

No worries Ian, the major distractions were a contracted website I launched over the weekend, the new Gadgteer Modules and the new Skewworks.com that’s required to get them out the door. :slight_smile:

Besides, this is just a fun project for me, no real applications planned for the future. It’ll get done. I actually just identified the piece of code that was giving me a hard time last night so I can begin work on distributed computing tests. Turns out I did a bad copy/paste from a 1 command section and was closing a port I needed left open…D’OH!

No worries Thom, all good - just pick a date that is 7 days (or a multiple of) further out and at the same time so we don’t need to go through that debate again :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m thinking I’ll push it back passed New Years since I’m not free for the 3 weekends. :slight_smile:

Probably a wise move. Although the 29th/30th look free at the moment for me :wink: Plus you might find people (like me) are on holidays and more available weekday mornings :slight_smile:

No problem @ Skewworks, just let us know what works for you.