Disney's 'Big Hero 6'

Well is this movie going to inspire kids to start thinking beyond gaming and get into robotics and automation? Watched it on the weekend and thought it wasn’t bad for motivating some kids to think about robotics. Certainly who ever wrote the movie has been watching some good autonomous swarm robotic vids on YouTube like this


I wonder how they get the battery to last 11 hours?

Thanks for the link…

@ Duke Nukem - Pretty awesome. Thankfully, at least for now, they’re slow enough that we can escape the swarm pretty easily. Next year…well…

@ willgeorge - in the video, they said the battery lasts 3 hours. Not sure how to account for the elapsed time in the self-assembly phase, unless they swapped batteries as the bots were moving, and used stop-motion to hide that.

@ willgeorge - in the video, they said the battery lasts 3 hours. Not sure how to account for the elapsed time in the self-assembly phase, unless they swapped batteries as the bots were moving, and used stop-motion to hide that.

I image that while they are waiting and once they get into position that they are put into a hibernate state and only awake every once in a while to listen for a new command. Since everything is IR based, they don’t really have any high power transmitters to deal with. It could be possible that they last 11 hours.

they move individually, so they aren’t all active for the 11 hours. They only have to listen for neighbours moving and when they detect that they make their move which will draw power to drive the motors.