Deployment Error in VS

Dear all
I just try to connect one G120HDR board and 1 display TE35. And i write a very simple code. But when i start it . it shows deployment error. it seems like i don’t connect G120 to the PC, but actually i connected, and i can ping it ad check the version through the FEZ config
I am a very beginner and don’t know what is wrong. Here i show the pictures of my code and error. I use VS2010 the device is TinyCLR and Tinybooter. and i don’t connect any pin.
feel free to suggest
thanks all

Go to Project settings dialog, last tab (.Net Micro Framework) and double check deployment target device. Change it to emulator and then back to the whatever device is shown for G120.

@ Architect -
fine dude, this problem is solved. thank you very much.
and there is another question, when i run it , it shows another warning about pin connection.
And i read from another post, it said i don’t need to connect any pin for use the display.
But anyway, i don’t get the desired result. there is only a instantaneous flash on the display and it shows as the original.
Do you know the problem ?

@ 19891003 -
anyone can help me ? i am crazyyyyyyyy !!

Don’t connect the USB client module in designer. Remove it completely. That exception is preventing the rest of the code to run I suspect.

@ Architect -
THANK you !!! finally it works through 1 week work :smiley: :smiley:
I will try to next step to use a cellular radio

You are welcome! Good luck with the next step.