Just me again
One of my ideas for my Fez Domino is to use a USB webcam on it. Anyone done similar, or think it’s even going to be possible?
Just me again
One of my ideas for my Fez Domino is to use a USB webcam on it. Anyone done similar, or think it’s even going to be possible?
We now support keyboard, mouse, joystick, USB memory, SB serial and others but we do not support webcam
You can easily connect a serial camera though
You can buy it from here
I am not sure why you would want to connect a camera though? After you get an image, what are you going to do with the image?
here’s a brief (after typing, I wonder if I can call it this now) overview of one part of my “master plan”
A remote “weather monitoring camera” would be located in the ceiling of my house, with a wired ethernet connection. The camera itself would be routed out to a waterproof housing with a view toward the direction of the prevailing weather or the direction you’d like a camera to be viewing. Periodically, the microcontroller would “snap” a frame from the camera, and then store it locally (SD card, file named with a datetime stamp). Periodically the device would transfer any “un-transferred” files to a central storage device, in my case it’d be my Windows Home Server (WHS), via HTTP upload or FTP. That would be accessable from the internet, and I could see “current” weather conditions.
I also want the controller to measure temperature from various locations around the house, potentially also to have a connection to a weather station (1-wire most likely, or if I decide on a commercial weather package it’d use USB serial or even RS232), and log that information back to the WHS (into a database). I might even at some other stage decide that this device becomes an aggregator for several other serial-comms devices, like solar power inverter (when it’s installed).
I’ve also thought about whether the device should have a simple LCD display to show time and cycle through temperature information etc on it, but that would be dependent on location of the controller itself and where I would want the LCD.
Serial camera: I had seen Pavel’s post on that. I actually bought a OmniVision OV9650 module to try out, but never bothered to try since my 8-bit micro at 16mhz wouldn’t drive it fast enough to capture a static image. Since I now have Fez, I am thinking I might have the speed to drive it, and I’m going to give it a try. The reason I wanted a USB webcam instead though was that they give two things - greater resolution and better optics. I have a Microsoft 720p Cinema webcam waiting in case it’s needed for this job.
There you go, that’s a few of the things I’m thinking about
I simply love your idea. I wish I had time to do all this fun stuff
I would start no with a simple serial camera and then when you have your project pt together and you need a better camera then we can look into some options.
keep us posted
i love my idea too, I too wish i had time to do the project
Thanks for your thoughts. I’ll dig into my OV9650, and see what I can do there.
first step will be to do my onewire piece, 2nd integrate WIZ812MJ.
Hi Brett,
As part of my project, I’m doing a similar thing with a camera. I used Pavel’s driver and the C328R camera to snap images, save to SD, and transmit via XBee back to the PC. I’m just in the beginning stages of my project, but I’ve got those mechanisms to work pretty well. If you want the code (as quick and dirty as it is :P), I’ll put it up on the projects webpage. Just look for the “Taterbot” entry.
Hi Matt,
Yes please upload to project website. I am sure this will benefit users. Once you clean the code, you can go back an update the project with newer code if you like.
Hey guys,
Ok, code is up:
(link removed)
I wanted to wait until the new SDK was out to update it before posting.
Sorry about the messiness. It looks like a junk-drawer at the moment
Basically the C328R camera is on COM1, and the XBee is on COM4 (remapped). Click “Get Picture” in the PC Client, and the PC’s XBee fires off a command to the FEZ to snap a jpg, store the buffer on the SD card, and then transmit the buffer back to the PC where it’s stored.
Be careful though, as in my case, if the image happens to be larger than 32k, you’ll max out the FEZ memory quick.
Remember, think small!
Nice and thanks.
By the way, we will be updating the project website very soon so it will be easier for you to add comments and modifications