Debug notifications on LCD


One of my systems started throwing debug messages on the LCD during startup .
After some resets it will write assert, after others it will write “can not execute debug command” on others it will run the user code with no notifications at all.
All this with the USB debug cable disconnected.

Any ideas on what the problem might be?


That depends. Do you have more information about the messages?


Thanks for you guys replying.
My custom board is based on the G120. Version
Why is it thinking it’s connected to the PC?

What other info may help?


I want to investigate this a bit more before re-flashing the board.
The odd thing is that in some cases it runs the user app and everything runs properly.
Once in a awhile it thinks it’s connected to a PC with a magical invisible USB cable ;D.

There is a newer version of the firmware, that has many fixes. I highly recommend to update first.

This message is a trap we have in code when things go wrong internally. We would need some details on how are you seeing this so we can track it down and fix it please. Please make sure you have the latest SDK installed on your PC and the latest firmware is loaded on you device before any further testing.

@ Gus

What info do you need? How can I help from my side?


First, do you see the problem when using the latest firmware? It is probably fixed and you are all set.