Ctrl dot tip

File in the misc tips category.
When typing a class name that is not in “using” scope yet, just start type the name and hit Ctrl+. (dot). You get a context list and can select the namespace to add a Using statement and keep going.


private AutoResetEvent(ctrl+.) // Select the "using System.Threading" namespace and keep going.

Time saver.

Good one! I will try it later

Great tip! Thank you.

We should really have a thread/forum for horribly obscure VS tips…

There is a Visual Studio add-in called ReSharper from JetBrains. If you really care about making your life easier while programming, invest in a license. If I type something and I don’t have a reference to it, it will tell me and all I have to do is hit the ‘tab’ key and it adds it.

If you are a student, you can qualify for a significantly discounted license.

Aside from that, you can probably just go on Stack Overflow and find this stuff out instead of creating a new thread. This way if you find something you like and post it on Stack Overflow, everyone can learn about it and not just this little community.

[url].net - Favorite Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts - Stack Overflow

You can get all the keyboard shortcuts here:[url]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=92ced922-d505-457a-8c9c-84036160639f[/url]

And what I really like, is the conditionnal breakpoint: you can set it by right clicking on the breakpoint indicator (red dot). And it’s support Intellisense too!