Cp7 + lpd8806

I’ve found that if I have a CP7 and a LPD8806 LED strip both connected to my Hydra that it will just constantly reboot. I have external (ATX) power applied to the DP module. Any other ideas?

My source code is here:

DP still only can handle 800mA, so I reckon you’re just asking too much of it. Power the LED strip on it’s own, from another part of your ATX supply?

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Like Brett said, DP can barely handle hydra and CP7.

:frowning: Well darn… Is requesting a bigger DP module possible or is that the limit of the boards/cables? I’m trying to squeeze all this into my Gadgetab and hanging a bunch of additional power supplies off it isn’t what I’m aiming for :wink:

We are studying options still.