I suspect the first item is related to the site migration but Glide is now full of fractional values (x=5.342 for example), which Glide doesn’t like, so hopefully that is just a migration thing that will be easy to fix.
Second remember to press enter when you enter something in, otherwise its not entered.
Third I found when I loaded back in XML previously generated by Glide, that it didn’t work and moved/change or otherwise lost components, so be mindful of that as once you have your design, you might want to edit it thereafter with notepad or something similar as loading it back in, isn’t likely a viable option.
I’ve seen the same. Loading an existing design some of the components move around and some are reset and appear in the top left of the window.
@ Duke Nukem - Can you give me examples where you found these issues. Maybe a sample XML file with the issue.
Sure how about this one from my last codeshare project http://www.ghielectronics.com/community/codeshare/entry/693
<Glide Version="1.0.6">
<Window Name="Range" Width="320" Height="240" BackColor="D9D9D9">
<Image Name="camera" X="4" Y="4" Width="176" Height="144" Alpha="255"/>
<TextBlock Name="instance1780" X="220" Y="4" Width="65" Height="32" Alpha="255" Text="Camera" TextAlign="Left" TextVerticalAlign="Middle" Font="4" FontColor="0" BackColor="0" ShowBackColor="False"/>
<CheckBox Name="chkRanger" X="186" Y="44" Width="32" Height="32" Alpha="255" Checked="False"/>
<CheckBox Name="chkCamera" X="186" Y="4" Width="32" Height="32" Alpha="255" Checked="False"/>
<TextBlock Name="instance6084" X="220" Y="44" Width="55" Height="32" Alpha="255" Text="Ranger" TextAlign="Left" TextVerticalAlign="Middle" Font="4" FontColor="0" BackColor="000000" ShowBackColor="False"/>
<TextBlock Name="instance6678" X="186" Y="78" Width="40" Height="32" Alpha="255" Text="Units" TextAlign="Left" TextVerticalAlign="Middle" Font="4" FontColor="0" BackColor="000000" ShowBackColor="False"/>
<RadioButton Name="rbgCM" X="220" Y="104" Width="32" Height="32" Alpha="255" Value="0" Checked="True" GroupName="radioButtonGroup" ShowBackground="True" Color="d4d4d4" OutlineColor="b8b8b8" SelectedColor="358bf6" SelectedOutlineColor="002dff"/>
<RadioButton Name="rbgInches" X="220" Y="140" Width="32" Height="32" Alpha="255" Value="1" Checked="False" GroupName="radioButtonGroup" ShowBackground="True" Color="d4d4d4" OutlineColor="b8b8b8" SelectedColor="358bf6" SelectedOutlineColor="002dff"/>
<TextBlock Name="instance8531" X="256" Y="104" Width="25" Height="32" Alpha="255" Text="cm" TextAlign="Left" TextVerticalAlign="Middle" Font="4" FontColor="0" BackColor="000000" ShowBackColor="False"/>
<TextBlock Name="instance8787" X="256" Y="140" Width="55" Height="32" Alpha="255" Text="inches" TextAlign="Left" TextVerticalAlign="Middle" Font="4" FontColor="0" BackColor="000000" ShowBackColor="False"/>
<TextBlock Name="range" X="4" Y="154" Width="176" Height="32" Alpha="255" Text="TextBlock" TextAlign="Center" TextVerticalAlign="Middle" Font="4" FontColor="0" BackColor="000000" ShowBackColor="False"/>