CORE9G25, Low cost Linux Embedded SMD module

I just cannot get over how low the cost of embedded is getting .


Interesting board indeed. The price is very attractive!

Is that the same mCu as the Hydra?

More like G400. It is 400MHz board.

Oh ok. Speed reading FTL

On the data sheet they say:

“UART: up to 6 serial lines
I2C: up to 2 I2C buses
SPI: up to 2 SPI buses
GPIO: up to 60 GPIO lines
A/D: up to four channel @ 10 bit”

Why all the "up to"s? I thought that these resources were fixed.

If you don’t use I2C or SPI you can get the 60 I/O pins. They are mostly double or triple function pins, so you can’t have it all …

@ Lurch - Exactly. Multiplexing. You can have 6 UARTs but you will loose something else and vice versa.

It’s cheap but you have to build a carrier board to use it in much the same way as the G400D and the G120. :smiley:

As long as it has good software and support, then it should be interesting to have a go with. The learning curve is Linux programming :frowning:

Unfortunately, accessing such a trivial thing like GPIO in Linux is pretty much the same as assembling car’s engine through the silencer.

G400 has LCd support, I could be wrong but the G25 chip does not support TFT LCD.

@ Dave McLaughlin

For the past 3+ years I have been doing Linux programming. We did a large project with near real-time performance criteria. We used C++.

Prior to starting to develop in Linux I had many years of WIN32 API experience, doing client server applications.

Linux was a lot easier to get into than I expected. When I needed to start a thread, I was able to quickly find out how to do it. If you understand processes, thread, mutexs, semephores, interprocess communications etc, you can get up to speed quickly.

I no longer fear Linux. I find working at the basic API level is no more difficult than WIN32, and similar enough to not require a mindset change.

The only issue is C or C++. If you have to learn these languages, they will be the big learning curve. Of course, there is Mono.

Now, I am not saying that I prefer Linux. Given a choice I would stay in the MS world.

@ Mike - Well, WIN32 is a beast by itself, no wonder you find it similar to Linux API :slight_smile:

@ Simon from Vilnius - True true.

I used to teach WIN32 programming, for a large education company in the US, so maybe I have an advantage. :smiley:

Most of the issues that people encounter when beginning Linux programming is the fear of something new and the reports of a non-user friendly status from people looking to do no more than Facebook and other social groups with a computer.

Linux actually has a very decent library specifically for checking, reserving and stating a GPIO pin. IIRC it’s libgpio

@ James - Every time I try to do something more than browse internet in Linux, I always end up recompiling kernel †so no, thanks :slight_smile:

You make it sound very easy but then I remember seeing you pretty much struggling with Linux just recently (beaglebone/RPI), and you are considered and Linux wiz :slight_smile: the reset of us will find it even more difficult. I still have the original beagle board (the one before beaglebone) from years ago collecting dust. I sadly got no where with it… oh, and I had training directly from TI!!

You figured out how to browse the internet with it? I couldn’t find the damn IE icon… You’re further along than me :wink:

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I think it might be the icon that is like, a flaming chihuahua or something.