Connetion less Socket


I have build a system which reads and processes data and sends this out over one of the COM ports. I want to do this exact some thing with ethernet, but I don’t want to wait for an connection. I just want to send my data out like my COM port:

byte[] outBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("$$65226" + "#" + SPN + "#" + FMI + "\n\r\r");
                                    serialPort.Write(outBuffer, 0, outBuffer.Length);

Then you’re looking for UDP sockets.

OK, an UDP socket could work, but I don’t know to which IPAddress i’m sending data and I don’t want to broadcast anything over the network.

you can’t have it all !

Do you have a Example with broadcast for me?

Have a look here:
UDP Receive: [url][/url]
UDP Send: [url][/url]
UDP Tranceive: [url][/url]

Do you have an other solution for this?