CodeStock - any NETMF geeks here?

Hey folks,

Sorry I’ve been so quiet of late…ramping up consulting is a little time-consuming. :slight_smile:

I’m at CodeStock today and part of tomorrow, and speaking today on Microcontrollers (I’ve got plenty of GHI boards, an Espruino, some Patchblocks, and a Flexbot copter to demo). If any other community members are around, would love to catch up.

I’ve seen a list of speakers, is there a list of topics available yet?

Wish I was there . . . . :frowning:
Tickets are always sold out by the time I remember.

@ Duke Nukem - Session schedule

Sorry, Duke. My bad in not posting about this before it was actually happening. Was trying to see if any TinyCLR geeks were in attendance.

I had to keep my time there pretty brief, so I imagine I’m going to get some grief from Ian for not looking him up while I was in the area. :slight_smile: