Changes are coming!

Hi everyone, we just want to let everyone know that over the next few months we will be doing some cleaning and reorganizing of the website. For example, we will start by reorganizing the forum boards today. A lot of these changes serve one of two purposes; we are either trying to make the user experience easier and less confusing or we are making the transition to a better way of doing it. If you have any questions about a specific change please let us know.

Will there be a COBOL section? I have trouble finding postings about this topic.

@ suitable1 - COBOL! yes!

For those who need help during this transition period.



@ Mr. John Smith - very needed, thanks :slight_smile:

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The following topics have been moved and combined into Archive;
Vision Hardware[/ul]
*** EDIT *** We added a “Linux” forum board to cover OSD3358 Family of Products and Beagleboard.Org products.


@ Gary - Please provide a link to the dashboard on the left menu so it is visible on each page, or at least when you are in the forum area. I know it’s just 2 clicks away by clicking Community / Dashboard, but for a link we all use daily it would be welcome.

@ Mr. John Smith - That link was a great help…for me at least. For anyone else who can’t venture out of the GHI world because of the change related stress it would cause, I have outlined the article below.

  1. Acknowledge your feelings
  2. Prepare yourself
  3. Create a mental script
  4. Remind yourself that you control your attitude and actions
  5. Journal about your worries
  6. Talk to others with similar experiences
  7. Accept uncertainty
  8. Relax
  9. Exercise
  10. Expect new patterns of living to take time
  11. See change as opportunity

Now that we are all prepared, Gary, go ahead and make the change. :open_mouth:


Reading that - just the summary - I had a sudden urge to go grip a crystal or strike a yoga pose or something.

–Martin (child of the 60’s) Calsyn

@ mcalsyn - Well we all do what we have to do to cope in these trying times.

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@ Terrence - If I do this, how much will show up in my paypal account?

@ Gary - plenty of digits to the right of the decimal.

lol…let me talk to the management team and see what they have to say.

@ Terrence - Ask and ye shall receive!

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So, does this mean the mbed category in the catalog is going away too? It seems to me the forum for mbed should exist as long as the category exists in the catalog.

Weren’t we just talking about mbed?

To release the old and embrace the new, some platforms you know need to become some platforms you knew.

What’s mbed? :wink:

@ ianlee74 - That’s the spirit!

Beautiful, thank you.