Challenge of the week!

This look very sweet. Source code is found here

So I was wondering how fast (slow) this will be through NETMF. I converted the code to C# and I see somethign but not completely working!

Can you figure out why? Here is my C# code (runs in emulator, no need for hardware)

// Microcontroller graphic demo by Pascal Piazzalunga
// admin@

using System;

using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation;

namespace MFConsoleApplication3
    public class Program
        static Bitmap LCD = new Bitmap(320, 240);
        static int WINDOWX = 320;
        static int WINDOWY = 240;

        // INCREMENT = SCALE / sqrt(N) * 2
        // Optimizer-friendly values
        static int N = 1024; // Number of dots
        static int SCALE = 8192;
        static int INCREMENT = 512;

        static int SPEED = 10;

        static double PI2 = 6.283185307179586476925286766559;

        //static char buff[512];

        //SWIM_WINDOW_T win1;

        static UInt16[] sine = new UInt16[SCALE];
        static UInt16[] cosi = new UInt16[SCALE];

        static void initialize()
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < SCALE; i++)
                sine[i] = (UInt16)(System.Math.Sin(PI2 * i / SCALE) * SCALE);
                cosi[i] = (UInt16)(System.Math.Cos(PI2 * i / SCALE) * SCALE);

        static UInt16 fastsqrt(UInt16 n)
            UInt16 c = (UInt16)0x8000;
            UInt16 g = (UInt16)0x8000;
            for (; ; )
                if (g * g > n)
                    g ^= c;
                c >>= 1;
                if (c == 0)
                    return g;
                g |= c;
        //void matrix(UInt16 xyz[3][N], UInt16 rgb[3][N]) 
        static int t_matrix=0;
        static void matrix(int[][] xyz, byte[][] rgb)
            //static UInt32 t_matrix = 0;
            UInt16 i;
            int x = -SCALE;
            int y = -SCALE;
            UInt16 d;
            int s;

            for (i = 0; i < N; i++)

                xyz[0][i] = x;
                xyz[1][i] = y;

                d = fastsqrt((UInt16)(x * x + y * y));
                s = sine[(int)((t_matrix * 30) % SCALE)] + SCALE;

                xyz[2][i] = sine[(d + s) % SCALE] *
                            sine[(t_matrix * 10) % SCALE] / SCALE / 2;
                  rgb[0][i] = (cosi[xyz[2][i] + SCALE / 2] + SCALE) *
                              (RED_COLORS - 1) / SCALE / 2;

                  rgb[1][i] = (cosi[(xyz[2][i] + SCALE / 2 + 2 * SCALE / 3) % SCALE] + SCALE) *
                              (GREEN_COLORS - 1) / SCALE / 2;

                  rgb[2][i] = (cosi[(xyz[2][i] + SCALE / 2 + SCALE / 3) % SCALE] + SCALE) *
                              (BLUE_COLORS - 1) / SCALE / 2;
                x += INCREMENT;
                if (x >= SCALE)
                    x = -SCALE;
                    y += INCREMENT;

    //void rotate(Int16 xyz[3][N], unsgined byte rgb[3][N],UInt16 angleX, UInt16 angleY, UInt16 angleZ) 
        static void rotate(int[][] xyz, byte[][] rgb, int angleX, int angleY, int angleZ)
            UInt16 i;
            int tmpX;
            int tmpY;
            UInt16 sinx = sine[angleX];
            UInt16 cosx = cosi[angleX];
            UInt16 siny = sine[angleY];
            UInt16 cosy = cosi[angleY];
            UInt16 sinz = sine[angleZ];
            UInt16 cosz = cosi[angleZ];

            for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                tmpX = (xyz[0][i] * cosx - xyz[2][i] * sinx) / SCALE;
                xyz[2][i] = (xyz[0][i] * sinx + xyz[2][i] * cosx) / SCALE;
                xyz[0][i] = tmpX;

                tmpY = (xyz[1][i] * cosy - xyz[2][i] * siny) / SCALE;
                xyz[2][i] = (xyz[1][i] * siny + xyz[2][i] * cosy) / SCALE;
                xyz[1][i] = tmpY;

                tmpX = (xyz[0][i] * cosz - xyz[1][i] * sinz) / SCALE;
                xyz[1][i] = (xyz[0][i] * sinz + xyz[1][i] * cosz) / SCALE;
                xyz[0][i] = tmpX;
        static int []oldProjX=new int[N];
         static int []oldProjY=new int[N];
         static int []oldDotSize=new int[N];
        //void draw(int16_t xyz[3][N], uint8_t rgb[3][N])
         static void draw(int[][] xyz, byte[][] rgb)
             //static uint16_t oldProjX[N] = {0};
             //static uint16_t oldProjY[N] = {0};
             //static uint8_t oldDotSize[N] = {0};
             int i;
             int projX;
             int projY;
             int projZ;
             int dotSize;

             for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                 projZ = SCALE - (xyz[2][i] + SCALE) / 4;
                 projX = WINDOWX / 2 + (xyz[0][i] * projZ / SCALE) / 25;
                 projY = WINDOWY / 2 + (xyz[1][i] * projZ / SCALE) / 25;
                 dotSize = 3 - (xyz[2][i] + SCALE) * 2 / SCALE;

                 //swim_set_pen_color(&win1, 0);

                 //swim_put_circle(&win1, oldProjX[i], oldProjY[i], oldDotSize[i], 1);
                 LCD.DrawEllipse(Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media.Color.Black, oldProjX[i], oldProjY[i], oldDotSize[i], oldDotSize[i]);
                 if (projX > dotSize &&
                    projY > dotSize &&
                    projX < WINDOWX - dotSize &&
                    projY < WINDOWY - dotSize)
                  swim_set_pen_color(&win1, (rgb[0][i] << REDSHIFT) +
                                            (rgb[1][i] << GREENSHIFT) +
                                            (rgb[2][i] << BLUESHIFT));

                  swim_put_circle(&win1, projX, projY, dotSize, 1);
                     LCD.DrawEllipse(Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media.Color.White, projX, projY, dotSize, dotSize);
                     oldProjX[i] = projX;
                     oldProjY[i] = projY;
                     oldDotSize[i] = dotSize;

         public static void Main()

             int[][] xyz = new int[3][];
             byte[][] rgb = new byte[3][];

             int angleX = 0;
             int angleY = 0;
             int angleZ = 0;

             int speedX = 0;
             int speedY = 0;
             int speedZ = 0;

             xyz[0] = new int[N];
             xyz[1] = new int[N];
             xyz[2] = new int[N];

             rgb[0] = new byte[N];
             rgb[1] = new byte[N];
             rgb[2] = new byte[N];

             while (true)
                 matrix(xyz, rgb);

                 rotate(xyz, rgb, angleX, angleY, angleZ);

                 draw(xyz, rgb);

                 speedZ -= SPEED;
                if(joyState & JOYSTICK_RIGHT)
                 speedX -= SPEED;
                else if(joyState & JOYSTICK_LEFT)
                 speedX += SPEED;
                else if(joyState & JOYSTICK_UP)
                 speedY -= SPEED;
                else if(joyState & JOYSTICK_DOWN)
                 speedY += SPEED;
                else if(ledState & KEY1)
                 speedZ -= SPEED;
                else if(ledState & KEY2)
                 speedZ += SPEED;
                else if(ledState & KEY3) {
                 speedX = 0;
                 speedY = 0;
                 speedZ = 0;
                 angleX = 0;
                 angleY = 0;
                 angleZ = 0;
                } else {
                 if(speedX > 0)
                  speedX -= SPEED;
                 else if(speedX < 0)
                  speedX += SPEED;

                 if(speedY > 0)
                  speedY -= SPEED;
                 else if(speedY < 0)
                  speedY += SPEED;

                 if(speedZ > 0)
                  speedZ -= SPEED;
                 else if(speedZ < 0)
                  speedZ += SPEED;
                angleX += speedX;
                angleY += speedY;
                angleZ += speedZ;

                if(angleX >= SCALE)
                 angleX -= SCALE;
                else if(angleX < 0)
                 angleX += SCALE;

                if(angleY >= SCALE)
                 angleY -= SCALE;
                else if(angleY < 0)
                 angleY += SCALE;

                if(angleZ >= SCALE)
                 angleZ -= SCALE;
                else if(angleZ < 0)
                 angleZ += SCALE;



Hi Gus,

When working with fixed point arithmetic it is critical to watch the data types, using an int where there should be a unsigned int will break the system because often in 3d computations the engine will rely on the value wrapping around etc.

Here is a version with the corrected data types and I also added the colors. There are a few optimizations that could be done to this code, but I doubt it would get much faster in managed code due to the loops and array accesses I have found these to be performance killers.

// Microcontroller graphic demo by Pascal Piazzalunga
// admin@ <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

using System;

using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation;

namespace MFConsoleApplication3
  public class Program
    static Bitmap LCD = new Bitmap(320, 240);
    const Int16 WINDOWX = 320;
    const Int16 WINDOWY = 240;

    // INCREMENT = SCALE / sqrt(N) * 2
    // Optimizer-friendly values
    const Int16 N = 1024; // Number of dots
    const Int16 SCALE = 8192;
    const Int16 INCREMENT = 512;

    const Int16 SPEED = 10;

    const double PI2 = 6.283185307179586476925286766559;

    //static char buff[512];

    //SWIM_WINDOW_T win1;

    static Int16[] sine = new Int16[SCALE];
    static Int16[] cosi = new Int16[SCALE];

    static void initialize()
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i < SCALE; i++)
        sine[i] = (Int16)(System.Math.Sin(PI2 * i / SCALE) * SCALE);
        cosi[i] = (Int16)(System.Math.Cos(PI2 * i / SCALE) * SCALE);

    static UInt16 fastsqrt(UInt32 n)
      UInt16 c = (UInt16)0x8000;
      UInt16 g = (UInt16)0x8000;
      for (; ; )
        if (g * g > n)
          g ^= c;
        c >>= 1;
        if (c == 0)
          return g;
        g |= c;

    //void matrix(UInt16 xyz[3][N], UInt16 rgb[3][N]) 
    static UInt32 t_matrix = 0;
    static void matrix(Int16[][] xyz, byte[][] rgb)
      //static UInt32 t_matrix = 0;
      UInt16 i;
      Int16 x = -SCALE;
      Int16 y = -SCALE;
      UInt16 d;
      UInt16 s;

      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)

        xyz[0][i] = x;
        xyz[1][i] = y;

        d = fastsqrt((UInt32)(x * x + y * y));
        s = (UInt16)(sine[(t_matrix * 30) % SCALE] + SCALE);

        xyz[2][i] = (Int16)(sine[(d + s) % SCALE] *
                    sine[(t_matrix * 10) % SCALE] / SCALE / 2);

        rgb[0][i] = (byte)((cosi[xyz[2][i] + SCALE / 2] + SCALE) *
                    (255 - 1) / SCALE / 2);

        rgb[1][i] = (byte)((cosi[(xyz[2][i] + SCALE / 2 + 2 * SCALE / 3) % SCALE] + SCALE) *
                    (255 - 1) / SCALE / 2);

        rgb[2][i] = (byte)((cosi[(xyz[2][i] + SCALE / 2 + SCALE / 3) % SCALE] + SCALE) *
                    (255 - 1) / SCALE / 2);
        x += INCREMENT;
        if (x >= SCALE)
          x = -SCALE;
          y += INCREMENT;


    //void rotate(Int16 xyz[3][N], unsgined byte rgb[3][N],UInt16 angleX, UInt16 angleY, UInt16 angleZ) 
    static void rotate(Int16[][] xyz, byte[][] rgb, UInt16 angleX, UInt16 angleY, UInt16 angleZ)
      UInt16 i;
      Int16 tmpX;
      Int16 tmpY;
      Int16 sinx = sine[angleX];
      Int16 cosx = cosi[angleX];
      Int16 siny = sine[angleY];
      Int16 cosy = cosi[angleY];
      Int16 sinz = sine[angleZ];
      Int16 cosz = cosi[angleZ];

      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        tmpX = (Int16)((xyz[0][i] * cosx - xyz[2][i] * sinx) / SCALE);
        xyz[2][i] = (Int16)((xyz[0][i] * sinx + xyz[2][i] * cosx) / SCALE);
        xyz[0][i] = tmpX;

        tmpY = (Int16)((xyz[1][i] * cosy - xyz[2][i] * siny) / SCALE);
        xyz[2][i] = (Int16)((xyz[1][i] * siny + xyz[2][i] * cosy) / SCALE);
        xyz[1][i] = tmpY;

        tmpX = (Int16)((xyz[0][i] * cosz - xyz[1][i] * sinz) / SCALE);
        xyz[1][i] = (Int16)((xyz[0][i] * sinz + xyz[1][i] * cosz) / SCALE);
        xyz[0][i] = tmpX;

    static int[] oldProjX = new int[N];
    static int[] oldProjY = new int[N];
    static int[] oldDotSize = new int[N];

    //void draw(int16_t xyz[3][N], uint8_t rgb[3][N])
    static void draw(Int16[][] xyz, byte[][] rgb)
      UInt16 i;
      UInt16 projX;
      UInt16 projY;
      UInt16 projZ;
      UInt16 dotSize;

      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        projZ = (UInt16)(SCALE - (xyz[2][i] + SCALE) / 4);
        projX = (UInt16)(WINDOWX / 2 + (xyz[0][i] * projZ / SCALE) / 25);
        projY = (UInt16)(WINDOWY / 2 + (xyz[1][i] * projZ / SCALE) / 25);
        dotSize = (UInt16)(3 - (xyz[2][i] + SCALE) * 2 / SCALE);

        //swim_set_pen_color(&win1, 0);

        //swim_put_circle(&win1, oldProjX[i], oldProjY[i], oldDotSize[i], 1);
        LCD.DrawEllipse(Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media.Color.Black, oldProjX[i], oldProjY[i], oldDotSize[i], oldDotSize[i]);
        if (projX > dotSize &&
           projY > dotSize &&
           projX < WINDOWX - dotSize &&
           projY < WINDOWY - dotSize)
       swim_set_pen_color(&win1, (rgb[0][i] << REDSHIFT) +
                                 (rgb[1][i] << GREENSHIFT) +
                                 (rgb[2][i] << BLUESHIFT));
       swim_put_circle(&win1, projX, projY, dotSize, 1);
          var color = Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media.ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(rgb[0][i], rgb[1][i], rgb[2][1]);          
          LCD.DrawEllipse(color, projX, projY, dotSize, dotSize);
          oldProjX[i] = projX;
          oldProjY[i] = projY;
          oldDotSize[i] = dotSize;

    public static void Main()

      Int16[][] xyz = new Int16[3][];
      byte[][] rgb = new byte[3][];

      Int16 angleX = 0;
      Int16 angleY = 0;
      Int16 angleZ = 0;

      Int16 speedX = 0;
      Int16 speedY = 0;
      Int16 speedZ = 0;

      xyz[0] = new Int16[N];
      xyz[1] = new Int16[N];
      xyz[2] = new Int16[N];

      rgb[0] = new byte[N];
      rgb[1] = new byte[N];
      rgb[2] = new byte[N];

      speedX -= SPEED;
      speedZ -= SPEED;

      while (true)
        matrix(xyz, rgb);

        rotate(xyz, rgb, (UInt16)angleX, (UInt16)angleY, (UInt16)angleZ);

        draw(xyz, rgb);

       if(joyState & JOYSTICK_RIGHT)
        speedX -= SPEED;
       else if(joyState & JOYSTICK_LEFT)
        speedX += SPEED;
       else if(joyState & JOYSTICK_UP)
        speedY -= SPEED;
       else if(joyState & JOYSTICK_DOWN)
        speedY += SPEED;
       else if(ledState & KEY1)
        speedZ -= SPEED;
       else if(ledState & KEY2)
        speedZ += SPEED;
       else if(ledState & KEY3) {
        speedX = 0;
        speedY = 0;
        speedZ = 0;
        angleX = 0;
        angleY = 0;
        angleZ = 0;
       } else {
        if(speedX > 0)
         speedX -= SPEED;
        else if(speedX < 0)
         speedX += SPEED;
        if(speedY > 0)
         speedY -= SPEED;
        else if(speedY < 0)
         speedY += SPEED;
        if(speedZ > 0)
         speedZ -= SPEED;
        else if(speedZ < 0)
         speedZ += SPEED;
        angleX += speedX;
        angleY += speedY;
        angleZ += speedZ;

        if (angleX >= SCALE)
          angleX -= SCALE;
        else if (angleX < 0)
          angleX += SCALE;

        if (angleY >= SCALE)
          angleY -= SCALE;
        else if (angleY < 0)
          angleY += SCALE;

        if (angleZ >= SCALE)
          angleZ -= SCALE;
        else if (angleZ < 0)
          angleZ += SCALE;



1 Like

I so knew taylorza was going to answer :smiley:

@ Justin - Are you saying I am predictable? :slight_smile:

I woke up this morning, saw this, I could not wait to play with it…

1 Like

@ taylorza - where’s the video?

See, not so predictable after all, you thought there would be a video, ha! :slight_smile:

Talk about half measures… :whistle:

Insult upon insult, lucky I have that South African thick skin…

(Gus is going to ban us soon)


This is great! Find me next time you have a hardware related question :slight_smile:

I changed couple things and it is faster now. Still not enough. I am curious to see how would this run on G400!

Gus, I know better than to even attempt hardware… I always seem to let the magic smoke escape, around me LEDs pop like fire crackers on Guy Fawkes day. Fortunately you guys have made that side of things FEZ.

and the answer is…? :slight_smile:

Nice job, taylorza. I looked at this thing for a couple hrs last night before falling asleep on my keyboard.

@ ianlee74 - hahahaha, did you wake up with dribble on ya chin? :smiley:

Na. I was all in the keyboard :wink: