Cerbuino SPI issues

I have been driving RGB led’s with a WS2803 with SPI from the D11 and D13 pins on my bee with great success.

In my test it drives the R from 0-255 then G then B and all is happy and smooth.

Now the issues…

I final got my package from GHI which included some Extenders so I thought I would test with socket 1 on the bee.

I changed D11 and D13 to Pin7 and Pin9 which as far as my limited intellect goes should be SPI1 ie same as D11 and D13 and therefore no code changes.

Now things flicker and its not smooth as a babies…

I have tried both Gadgeteer cables that came with my Extenders…

When on Socket 1 it appears to be getting its knickers in a twist (panties in a bunch for you Yanks) and sending bytes out of order or something.

Ideas? Or am I making wild assumptions again :smiley:

Working on Socket 1 now - go figure…
Maybe i should sort out my cough work environment :smiley:

So you just reseated the cable and it worked again?

@ mhectorgato - at a guess yes - i connected, reconnected, glued, scratched me head 10 times and hey presto it works…
Anywho - the up shoot is the first board in the DisoInferno series is off to manufacture :slight_smile:
And the Spectrum module wont be far behind…

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I was just thinking about that module today on the ride to work. The 5 minutes I took to get my Cerb running (while I was waiting for something else to happen) was the first time I touched my netmf stuff in weeks.

BTW - is it DiscoInferno or DisoInferno?

@ mhectorgato - DiscoInferno - Spelding was never a strong suit of mine :smiley: