Ceberus is now faster!

We didn’t want to talk about this till we have it fixed :slight_smile: But, Cerberus was always running “debug” firmware. Release firmware got it to crash.

This is no longer the case. The latest SDK includes a firmware that is built release.

shame on you :wink: and nice work :stuck_out_tongue:

Sweet! Is this the firmware that we get by moving to the new VS2012 SDK, or can we get just the Cerb firmware someplace?

It is the one shipped in SDK last week.

Hmmm… is there any reason those of us who want to stick with 2010 (for now) wouldn’t be able to flash the new Cerb firmware to our devices?

The original firmware did not use the hardware FPU, has that also been enabled? I suppose I should test for myself, but it is easier to ask :slight_smile:

@ taylorza - no not yet, that is next :slight_smile: Of course this will only effect anyone if they are suing float.

Does that also free up any of the FLASH or RAM?

No, extra flash/ram is left for future expansion.

enabling FP also speeds up string manipulation…

I know I am going to end up saying ‘Ahhh, OK’ but for the life of me I can’t see how hardware FPU would improve string manipulation. Unless of course you are processing strings of floats in which case you are using floats. The release build would definitely make a difference in this department though.

@ taylorza - search for YOUR post when you enabled it, member i asked you to do some speed tests including strings…

maybe it was cause you had it in release as well…?

Nice :slight_smile:

@ Justin - I definitely suspect that was due to the fact that the GCC build was a release build.

When I get a moment I will create a new GCC build with the latest code from GHI and put that to the test, in theory the RVDS release build should out perform the GCC release build. Would be interesting to see…

@ taylorza - cool bananas

How funny would it be if GCC is same speed or faster :slight_smile:

Does this apply to the Cerbuino and/or Spider? if so…can you provide the link do download?
are there any pre-reqs?


cerberus = cerb-family = everythign starting with cerb

ok…so that’s a yay for Cerbuino…

can you provide a link?
I did flash the firmware last week (or was that the week before) and would like to confirm it was indeed the latest…Strangely, i can’t find where that link is that i downloaded the latest firmware from is (i thought it was right under the Cerbuino product page under Resources, but not seeing it there today)

The sdk was released on the 25th on the beta forum. Take a look please.