CAN Bus implementation

Implementing the CAN bus.

It appears there is an error in the constructors for CanBitTiming:

    public CanBitTiming(int propagationPhase1, int phase2, int baudratePrescaler, int synchronizationJumpWidth, bool useMultiBitSampling);

The Phase1 parameter has been left out. Should be:

    public CanBitTiming(int propagation, int Phase1, int phase2, int baudratePrescaler, int synchronizationJumpWidth, bool useMultiBitSampling);

Is this correct??

In most systems, propagation and phase1 are combined. And so we combined them in the first argument.

If you have both values then set teh first argument to prob+ph1

Yes, the first argument is called propagationPhase1 because it’s both the propagation segment and the phase 1 segment added together. The microcontrollers used for SITCore and many CAN calculators combine propagation and phase 1. If you are using a CAN calculator that gives your separate numbers for propagation and phase 1, then as Gus said just add them together.

Ok, thanks.