Camera ERROR

My Camera seem has some trouble.

I simply test this, but

output shows

Using mainboard GHI Electronics FEZSpider version 1.0
Camera ERROR : Unable to take picture. Camera is not ready. Is the Camera connected?
Program Started

I am sure the Camera is connected and I have changed the wire. The result is the same.

 public partial class Program
        // This method is run when the mainboard is powered up or reset.   
        void ProgramStarted()

            camera.PictureCaptured += new Camera.PictureCapturedEventHandler(camera_PictureCaptured);
            // Use Debug.Print to show messages in Visual Studio's "Output" window during debugging.
            Debug.Print("Program Started");

        void camera_PictureCaptured(Camera sender, GT.Picture picture)
            Debug.Print("Picture Captured");

You have to make sure that camera is connected/ready first. Check this tutorial, it shows how to do that:


Thank you.

I change the code and use external power.

but the connected event not fired.

Output is

The thread ‘’ (0x2) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Using mainboard GHI Electronics FEZSpider version 1.0
Program Started
The thread ‘’ (0x3) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

        void ProgramStarted()
            camera.CameraConnected += new Camera.CameraConnectedEventHandler(camera_CameraConnected);
            camera.PictureCaptured+=new Camera.PictureCapturedEventHandler(camera_PictureCaptured);
            // Use Debug.Print to show messages in Visual Studio's "Output" window during debugging.
            Debug.Print("Program Started");

        void camera_CameraConnected(Camera sender)

        void camera_PictureCaptured(Camera sender, GT.Picture picture)
            Debug.Print("Picture Captured");

Ok. In that case first step would be to see if Camera shows up in Device Manager. You can connect it to your PC through the power module:

Check that first.

I have checked the link already and the camera is fine in my PC.

@ Tzu Hsuan - I see you had that issue before

Did you get it working at that time? Is it the same camera module?

OK , stupid, I plug into wrong socket.
Its works now.

But do other test. some thing interesting.

I f i add the SD Card module and the camera in the same time, the camera do not work.
But after i remove the SD Card module the camera works well.

Whats wrong ?

Power issue?

@ Architect , I will check it next week then report here.

@ andre.m

The issue seems not be solved?

@ Architect: Add the external power , the same, camera not work with the SD card.
@ andre.m" Not works.

And even the camera.CameraReady shows true, the CameraConnected event not fire anymore.

Does GHI or anyone can test it for me? very strange.
By the way, I am using Spider.

    public partial class Program
        // This method is run when the mainboard is powered up or reset.   
        void ProgramStarted()
            // Use Debug.Print to show messages in Visual Studio's "Output" window during debugging.
            Debug.Print("Program Started");

            camera.CameraConnected += new Camera.CameraConnectedEventHandler(camera_CameraConnected);
            camera.PictureCaptured += new Camera.PictureCapturedEventHandler(camera_PictureCaptured);
            bool ve = camera.CameraReady;

        void camera_PictureCaptured(Camera sender, GT.Picture picture)
            Debug.Print("Carema test"); 

        void camera_CameraConnected(Camera sender)
            Debug.Print("Carema test");
