Calibration settings on cobra 4.3

I found a class (CalibrationSettings) in the Glide library to use to set the calsettings. But what do i assign this to? Also, when i get the callibration settings from the CalibrationWindow window, where does this get saved to so that i could assign it in code again?

            const int CAL_POINTS = 5;
            CalibrationSettings cal = new GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide.CalibrationSettings();
            cal.SX = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 240, 48, 48, 432, 432 };
            cal.SY = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 136, 26, 246, 246, 26 };
            cal.CX = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 478, 189, 169, 781, 790 };
            cal.CY = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 481, 238, 741, 767, 231 };

Glide.CalibrationSettings exposes the values set by the calibration window. You can store these settings into your own Extended Weak Reference implementation. You can enable auto saving of these settings via …

// The 2nd agrument enables auto saving.
calWindow = new CalibrationWindow(false, true);

… this will re-apply them on future restarts. The save function is currently internal:

internal static void SaveCalibration(CalibrationSettings settings)

within GlideTouch.

Hi, just need to clear some things up.

When you say “Extended Weak Reference implementation” do you mean like saving it so sd card and reading it back again? Also when reading back (created a CalibrationSettings object), to what object would i have to assign it? Cause GlideTouch.CalSettings is read only? Do i assign it to something else?

Then for the CalibrationWindow, when the applications starts up again after some crash or power down. What would i have to check to make sure that the calibration settings from the previous calibration exercise was loaded and that the CalibrationWindow does not have to be shown again.


ExtendedWeakReference - EWR - is storing it to internal flash. It’s a netmf thing - check doco for references and samples. You should be able to find similar examples that show how to start up, check if you have settings in EWR, and if so load them.