Buy FEZ hacker parts

I could offer some FEZ Hacker stuff if there is interest

1.FEZ Hacker bare PCB [Ethernet version]
2.FEZ Hacker bare PCB + SAM7 chip

I could make it very easy and offer the following

3.Complete kit of parts

I dont have the number yet but the initial offering will be at cost + shipping.

let me know when you get to the pricing point. Any of the 3 is fine. Would prefer 2 or 3 myself.

Here are the prices

1.FEZ Hacker bare PCB [Ethernet version] :::: $15
2.FEZ Hacker bare PCB + SAM7 chip :::: $40
3.Complete kit of parts :::: NA

Will ship to Canadian and US locations.

Let me know address to compute shipping. I prefer to use Canada post.

Contact :: fezh@


What is the Complete kit of parts price?And can you send me to turkey?

Best Regards.


Very cool! I’m interested in the FEZ Hacker, but with the Ethernet functionallity! and I’m living in the Netherlands, is that a problem?

I would love to have the FEZ hacker! :wink:

@ Ramon
@ Tayfun…

Please send me an email with your address.

Email is send!


I did not get it :), will reply on receipt.

E-mail sent.

I did not get it , will reply on receipt[/quote]
Strange I have send it through my Gmail account to the address you gave earlyier:

I will send the mail again!

Rajesh, I just saw that you answerd my mail, so I guess you did get my mail :slight_smile:

FezHacker also available for sale assembled and DIY Kit with all components

I see you chose only to use a 3.3v regulator? (or am I wrong?)
I noticed the “5v only” text next to the barrel jack.

yes this board requires 3.3 v for operating. the regulator converts 5v to 3.3v . exceeding 5v will not damage this board. but if you plugged in any Shields without regulator on board beyond 5v can damage shields . for this purpose it has printed 5V only. 5V 1A power adapter will be provided with this board.