Browsing code on codeshare

For a lot of cases it is unusable. Half of the files and folders inside the zip files not visible. This feature need some work.

I thought you can open a zip file and browse it right on codeshare. Do you have an example project?

The most recent one.

Mentioned the same:

For example:

When browsing, only the “managed” subfolder inside the zip file is visible. You can’t browse the native code.

Yes, it is also happens if there are multiple folders or another zip inside of a zip file. It feels like whatever component you are using on the server side to “open” zip files is very picky.

@ WouterH - Fixed. Though it should have worked when you uploaded it.

Any other examples?

If you haven’t looked at that one yet:

@ Josh - Hello, good morning America,
dit I make anything wrong with uploading or zipping of the project? I’am not very familiar with these things. Perhaps you can tell, which files of a project should be deleted before uploading. I had all the files and subfolders in one folder “I2C_Softkeypad” and zipped this folder.

I don’t think you did anything wrong. Downloaded zip files looks good. It just doesn’t show the code in the online archive browsing.

@ RoSchmi - You didn’t do anything wrong.

I believe we’ve fixed it. If you encounter any other entries with issues let us know.

1 Like

This is so much better! Thanks Josh!!!

@ Josh - Thank you,
all the code can be shown. Only the two .pdf file are still missing.
By the way: I’m delighted with the GHI FEZ / Gadeteer products and the forum as well.

We are glad you are delighted and we look forward to work even harder :slight_smile:

@ Josh, This is not working on some of my submissions.
For example:

I’ve attached two screen shots of the codeshare page and the contents of the zip file.

@ jasdev - Works now.

Excellent! Thank you.

Another improvement would be to have more different icons for different types of files. At a deeper levels you have to scroll to see the extension. Having a separate icon for C#/C source code files would be great!

A few more modifications have been made.

Thank you! Looks great!

Code (.cs) file is not shown and folder inside the zip appears twice in the browsing panel.