Yesterday I worked with a teen boy at our library program who just discovered MakeCode Arcade (his dad is in electronics engineering) and the boy was totally captivated. His dream is to write games; couldn’t get enough of Arcade. If and when you ship the BrainPad Arcade, he would love to do an unboxing video. I showed him the “forum.makecode” where some of your game functions have been displayed. Let us know when you ship, please. Thx.
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PS, my uncle in Birmingham, Michigan would like one too. I shipped him a Maqueen Bug Bot and Micro:Bit for MakeCode yesterday. He’s learning MakeCode. He was a radio engineer at WJR radio station in Detroit…during World War II, 96 years old !
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We have some boards made and ready to ship. We are only waiting on the boxes now. We can’t wait to get these in everyone’s hands.
I ordered one of these. I do not know who the guy is with the British accent but would give him credit when I find his name. KittenBot is shipping MeowBit for Arcade controller: MeowBit KittenBot for MakeCode and Arcade - YouTube
We will buy BrainPad when you get the boxes and ship.thanks