Hello Guys, so I plugged my Braindpad arcade and it showed up as an unknow device on windows 7 , I had to hold menu and reset together and then it went into STM32 bootloader and was able to install the driver automatically.
Just received this little gadget from Microcenter overnight and I think i am going to start playing with my new toy after Dinner ( EST ) my time. 
So far i love my new brain pad arcade/
Strange! This should show up just like any storage device. So after what you did, does it show a storage device?
And how did you know about DFU mode?! We didn’t release this info, yet. You must have some magical skills!
Hello Gus , So yes when I plugged the device it launched the windows explorer and i could browse the folder and add one of the makecode programs onto my device. However Windows still complained that it could not add the drivers for the Brainpad arcade.
Still i was able to use it to load programs but then I remembered that I also have a brain pad board and on that one you had to hold the boot and reset buttons together to get it into a different mode. So I did the same on this device but instead if tried the restet and menu button press them together those worked the computer made a sound and windows 7 began to to install the drivers for it.
Then i listed all the new USB devices and was able to see the new Device that the brainpad arcade added to my machine 
Gus , great job with this little board . congratulations to you and your awesome team. This is a great device and hopefully it can get a lot of attention from schools/ parents / Teachers and anyone interesting in learning to code 
Thanks for the good words. It is your turn now to take part and share some games back with every teacher