I am still trying to get the Mini to control the Boe-Bot. using code from your e-book (which is excellent by the way) I need to send PWM to pin 12 on the bot. Trouble is, the enumeration for PWR pins does not include pin 12. Here is the code.
public static void Main()
PWM servo = new PWM((PWM.Pin)FEZ_Pin.PWM.Di5);
while (true)
// 0 degrees. 20ms period and 1.25ms high pulse
servo.SetPulse(20 * 1000 * 1000, 1250 * 1000);
Thread.Sleep(1000);//wait for a second
// 90 degrees. 20ms period and 1.50ms high pulse
servo.SetPulse(20 * 1000 * 1000, 1500 * 1000);
Thread.Sleep(1000);//wait for a second
// 180 degrees. 20ms period and 1.75ms high pulse
servo.SetPulse(20 * 1000 * 1000, 1750 * 1000);
Thread.Sleep(1000);//wait for a second
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Print("An error occurred " + ex.Message.ToString());
Is there a way to “map” a Fez pin to a different output pin for the boe-bot? The servos on the Boe-Bot are on Pins 12 & 13.
I am sooooo close to making this work!
PWM is (unfortunately for you) enabled only on a set number of defined pins. The only way to achieve what you want is to connect a PWM capable pin to the expected connection on the Bot. So your “re-map” is really going to be a “rewire”.
(PS: using CODE tag helps )
I guess i can wiki my boe bot conversion soon. I had it almost complete with all the book samples converted to .net. Will have to be after the up and coming robot meet i am preparing for.