Big Sale & New Skewworks!

How does 5% off Spiral, 10% off Clix & GPSUltra and 15% off Tinkr sound? They’re all on sale until the end of January, no coupon needed! And yes, the sale IS combineable with bulk order discounts. :wink:

If that weren’t enough, Skewworks has gotten a hefty upgrade.

Shipping Cart, sales, bulk purchase discounts, unlimited picture uploads + 1 zip file on forums, services, and more all at the new



New site looks great! Good job!

Nice facelift! Very clean.

Thanks guys. Been working on it for a few months. One of the side projects I’ve actually managed to keep a bit of a lid on. Hopefully everyone enjoys the new look and added features.

Nice clean site! Looks great and as usual an impressive list of products!

Thanks for finding this Andre! Looks like a few of the documents had their links updated at the last minute and their db entries weren’t updated. I’ve gone through and verified all the document links are now working.

@ Skewworks - I am a bit late to the party, but I must say your site looks very nice. Your flare for UI (amongst other things) is very impressive, a skill to be envied for sure.

I’ll get it taken care of this evening (US Central time; 7hrs behind you). It might be easiest to do a GChat on my lunch break; making it 7-8pm your time.