Best chocolate ever? We think so

So there we were, sitting in the office working and going about our daily routines when the UPS guy dropped off a package from our community member Mike. When we opened it we discovered what is quite possibly the greatest chocolate covered gift we have received. Thank you mike, you really put smiles on our faces this morning. Happy holidays to you and your family Mike, and the same to everyone of our wonderful community members!


WTG Mike that’s an awesome present for the GHI crew!

Thanks Mike! This is almost too amazing to eat. . .almost!

…like i needed this. LOL seriously tho, THANKS MIKE!!! cool gift for us all here at GHI. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Very cool!

BTW - Mike, I am a huge fan of chocolate… :wink: :wink: :wink:

I sent a holiday gift to the GHI crew to say thanks for the great products
and the community they have built. I tend to be terse in my writing so xoxo. :slight_smile:

The chocolate I sent was made in a family run shop in Great Neck, NY. It
is by far the best chocolate I have ever tasted in the US. Each holiday
season my wife and I receive a basket from them, and every
January I have to go on a crash diet.

For those who are interested, the store is

small print: I am not associated with Lazars in any manner. I just like
to recommend great products.


Does the chocolate have the monkey molded in or is it just on the label?

Not sure yet. It looks too cool to eat. :smiley:

Just the label.

Hey Mike,

Very nice!

Time to change the avatar image?

To something like this may be :wink:

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or may be even this one :slight_smile:

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That should be Gus’ new avatar for sure!

I was thinking about this for an avatar: