I’ve been doing some development on a cerb40-ii interfacing to an SSD1306 screen. Everything was going fine…
Then I decided to try and see how high I could crank the SPI clock speed to see if I could get a faster refresh rate.
The last speed I set was (I think) 10,000khz. It deployed fine and run.
But since then, I have not been able to deploy anything else to the cerb.
I just get this all the time:
Looking for a device on transport 'USB’
Found device port ‘USB’ with ID ‘51ac45bd-7d7a-4b51-99b6-b901f983e026’ for transport 'Usb’
Starting device deployment…
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 0
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 1
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 2
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 3
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 4
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 5
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 6
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 7
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 8
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 9
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 10
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 11
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 12
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 13
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 14
Attempting to connect to device ‘USB:Gadgeteer’ Iteration 15
I have tried restarting visual, rebooting, etc.
Could they be related?
Is the best idea to go to the Fez Config and blank the device?
(I also don’t have the latest boot loader on the cobra… Fez config won’t let me update it.
And the link on updating the firmware seems broken on the old site, any one know how to do it?)
Thanks a lot!