ASCII art monkey!

I was trying to draw this for mike [url][/url]

and this made me think…is there any monkeys made in ascii art?

This is what I found

             .--.  .-"     "-.  .--.
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You might also get one of those Bitmap to ASCII converters. Then, just give it a good outline of a monkey.

A lot of the ASCII art i get is from this great website


No monkeys though!

Found some, thank you google!

So that’s the $#$%#$% that took!!! :smiley: Oh well, is close enough for me.

Found a tool online that converts images to ascii art if it helps…

Yep, that’s what I was talking about. I was in a hurry and didn’t Google it when I mentioned , though ::slight_smile:

There are also more accurate programs which you can install on your pc for a more accurate ASCII art.

Emm well generally it looks alright, except the banana that he is eating isn’t exactly perceived as a banana straight away.

Ahahaha, you have a sick mind :D. I didn’t think twice about that.