Any DAC support?

I can see there’s a static class EPM815 but although there are numerous things supported there, I don’t see anything for DAC, is that planned for?

By the way, what is EPM815 referring to, almost nothing comes up when I do a web search, other than a few GHI hits.

Endpoint module 815?

OK, so that name pertains to the board as opposed to the MPU or other hardware.


Seems DAC1 and DAC2 are functions that can ne configured for PA4 and PA5 respectively. But is there any software support for these yet?

We would like to have this feature, but need an approval.

OK thanks, this is far from important, I was just curious and wanted to explore this, may I ask, do you mean approval from some external entity or internal authority?

From the leader.

Okay, you have my approval…

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Okay, what else do you want to see on EPM815?


Native ethernet! Preferably two ports with the option to have network switching functionality between them.