Any chance for a Premium low cost Gadgeteer mainboard?

Something like the FEZ Cerb but in a Premium package at similar price point…

Hibernation, RLP and so forth.

Yep. That would be great :wink:

Is there such a thing as premium and gadgeteer? I am not sure they mix :slight_smile:

Now a fez cerb (m4 chip), low cost with premium would be useful.

Not sure what you mean. Spider is a premium Gadgeteer offering. To GHI, “premium” simply means that you also get their proprietary offerings in addition to the open ones. Of course, it also means that they put a higher emphasis on the quality & stability of these devices.


I’d love a “premium Cerberus” with slightly more memory too. Spider is way more than necessary for a project with a few modules and no LCD display, especially given that Cerb has a more robotics-friendly socket layout.

Incidentally, Cerb’s catalog entry still shows power use stats as “TBA”, this really should be updated since it’s an important consideration when doing a vehicle or anything that’s not going to be plugged into a USB port.