Or hardware abuse?
Plyer tweaks for a few more dBi
sending RSPCH (Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Hardware) a message about you now !
Lizzy says you have to drop the Royal
well she can go get…
Wait, no she doesn’t. We still have the RSPCA here.
Sux be Harry then
i think it would be gerat to be Harry. Much better than being Chuck in Waiting.
Hey, what is/was this board? I wanted to get stuff from ingenuity micro myself, but I had some questions.
Edit: yes it’s the Kea! I had a question about the RTC.
Also, that doesn’t really give better signal right?
Yes its a Kea and yes the RTC xtal is there.
Also to antenna tuning…it actually got bent as the board was on the floor and i stood on it