And in other news

And in other news, there was a rash of stock-photo models being rushed to the hospital with severe burns.


LOL, Good one!

That’s awesome!

@ suitable1 must in one of those photographs! :whistle:


Next time I need some money, I think I’ll burn myself with my soldering iron, and then sue the publishers of these photos for encouraging me to do it. :naughty:

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Better read the EULA first. I’m pretty sure it says not to use those pictures in places where physical harm may result. :wink:

Not me; I don’t wear safety glasses when I burn myself with a soldering iron.

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@ mcalsyn - Notice how the guy in the middle is looking at the camera instead of his pen and paper…or was that a soldering iron and board?

No harm. None of the irons are turned on :smiley:

look at those Motherboards they are repairing, they must be future engineers with fireproof hands and fingers. wait I know what this is, it is the advertisement of that newly highly engineered cream that you can put on your finger and never get burned from a soldering iron again :whistle: great for kids i’d say… but not welling to try it on my kids for sure :slight_smile:

It’s interesting that the front face of the soldering station is pointed away from the user.

We laugh at this but… Every year my user group, NashMicro, hosts a soldering workshop tent at our Maker Faire. Last year, the very first kid that I was helping to learn to solder was so eager that when I told him to take the iron and “hold it like a pencil” he grabbed it just like the folks in those pictures. Except that it was heated to 325C. He quickly turned a bright red color in the face but he was tough for kid of maybe 9 years old. He fought back the tears and finished assembling his kit but by the end of it he was holding the iron by the tips of other fingers and was clearly ready to be done. I felt like crap.

Lesson learned…practice your routine at the beginning of the day with your co-workers. Don’t let some poor kid be the one who has to remind you to be more explicit in your instructions. Everyone after him was told to “hold the black rubber part like a pencil”.


here is a million $ idea.
maybe someone should create a ceramic tube that would go over the excess metal of the iron… this way no one would ever get burned by not holding it right. we can call that product “3d safety tube” :whistle:

Or we should only heat the tip; like cold heat used to do. Those were fragile and not for electronics though.

and no one is holding solder.

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I am assuming you weren’t in the US - or you could have been sued mightily (unfortunately)

You know what they say about those that assume? :wink: