TLDR: New G80 TH module was not presenting any devices to Windows. I was literally about to post looking for any second thoughts/ideas of what to test next or if I missed anything. I had spent about 4-6 hours re-reviewing docs, schematics, pinouts, etc so far to see what I had missed or skipped over.
So I’m using the G80 TH module as a daughterboard on a larger board. This is for PCB design/layout simplification purposes, plus I can use the area UNDER the G80 for more components. I have several of these built and working/shipped, but this latest one I soldered on wasn’t presenting any devices of any kind to Windows.
Things tried/tested/verified
- Has 3.3v
- Has ground
- MODE is not connected but is pulled high per voltmeter
- Pulled LDR0 to GND to go into bootloader on powerup - no change
- Hit reset pin with GND (both with and without LDR0 low) - no change
- Tried two PCs - both a desktop and a Surface. Both of these had previously connected to other modules and used to debug/program them so I think we can rule the PC side out as a problem.
… As I was typing this and coming to #7 I thought I could try using another USB cable. Keep in mind I use this USB cable literally every day for other devices and it works fine, so the odds it could be the cable are about zero. However I tried another cable and…IT WORKS.