AD-HOC example

Any Ad-HOC example of RedPine Module ? Anybody tried ? When can I sense if someone connected ( when im the creator) ? Help apreciated :stuck_out_tongue:

Got The Ad Hoc to work - but got some questions - The WEP how to set it ? I set it and can always connect :confused: + Can I “know” who is trying to connect ( and grant or deny acces ? ) ? Can I make the SSID hidden ? Thx for any advice

WiFi.ConnectAdHoc(WiFi.IBSSMode.Creator, "MyWiFi", SecurityMode.WEP,"1A648C9FE2", 1);

General wireless networking tip: hidden SSID is actually more insecure than not, and no longer recommended; there are network stacks that won’t connect to a hidden SSID so you may get yourself in more trouble than its worth.

WiFi Class has been totally changed. We will release the new SDK this week hopefully. Stay tuned.

Here is the new example code sneek peek:

public class Program

        public static void Main()
            //ChipworkX Developement System V1.5 UEXT header with WiFi RS21 Module: P/N:GHI-WIFIEXP2-298
            //SPI.SPI_module _spi = SPI.SPI_module.SPI2; /*SPI bus*/
            //Cpu.Pin _cs = ChipworkX.Pin.PC9; /*ChipSelect*/
            //Cpu.Pin _ExtInt = ChipworkX.Pin.PA19; /*External Interrupt*/
            //Cpu.Pin _reset = ChipworkX.Pin.PC8; /*Reset*/
            //EMX Developement System V1.3 UEXT header with WiFi RS21 Module: P/N:GHI-WIFIEXP2-298
            SPI.SPI_module _spi = SPI.SPI_module.SPI1; /*SPI bus*/
            Cpu.Pin _cs = EMX.Pin.IO2; /*ChipSelect*/
            Cpu.Pin _ExtInt = EMX.Pin.IO26; /*External Interrupt*/
            Cpu.Pin _reset = EMX.Pin.IO3; /*Reset*/
            //FEZ Cobra OEM board V1.2 or V1.3 UEXT header with WiFi RS21 Module: P/N:GHI-WIFIEXP2-298
            //SPI.SPI_module _spi = SPI.SPI_module.SPI2; /*SPI bus*/
            //Cpu.Pin _cs = EMX.Pin.IO2; /*ChipSelect*/
            //Cpu.Pin _ExtInt = EMX.Pin.IO26; /*External Interrupt*/
            //Cpu.Pin _reset = EMX.Pin.IO3; /*Reset*/

            Debug.Print("Enable WiFi RS2 module");

                //ChipworkX Developement System UEXT header with WiFi RS21 Module: P/N:GHI-WIFIEXP2-298
                            _spi,/*SPI bus*/
                            _cs,  /*ChipSelect*/
                            _ExtInt, /*External Interrupt*/
                            _reset); /*Reset*/
            catch (WiFi.WiFiException e)
                if (e.errorCode == WiFi.WiFiException.ErrorCode.HardwareCommunicationFailure ||
                    e.errorCode == WiFi.WiFiException.ErrorCode.HardwareFirmwareVersionMismatch)
                    //ChipworkX Developement System UEXT header with WiFi RS21 Module: P/N:GHI-WIFIEXP2-298
                                        _spi,/*SPI bus*/
                                        _cs,  /*ChipSelect*/
                                        _ExtInt, /*External Interrupt*/
                                        _reset); /*Reset*/
                                 _spi,/*SPI bus*/
                                 _cs,  /*ChipSelect*/
                                 _ExtInt, /*External Interrupt*/
                                 _reset); /*Reset*/
                else if (e.errorCode == WiFi.WiFiException.ErrorCode.HardwareCommunicationFailure)
                    Debug.Print("Error Message: " + e.ErrorMsg);
                    Debug.Print("Check WiFi module hardware connections and SPI/signals configurations.");

            if (WiFi.IsEnabled)
                Debug.Print("Enabled Successfully. At this point, the on-board LED on RS9110_N_11_21_1_Compatible module is ON.");
                throw new Exception();

            // This event handler checks netowrk avaialblty (Ethernet, WiFi and PPP).
            NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged += new NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler(NetworkChange_NetworkAvailabilityChanged);

            //WiFi.StartAdHocHost("Ad-Hoc Test", SecurityMode.Open, "", 10);
            WiFi.StartAdHocHost("Ad-Hoc Test WEP", SecurityMode.WEP, "A1CEF53456A1CEF53456AF34DB", 10); // 128bit key (26 Hex numbers)
            //WiFi.StartAdHocHost("Ad-Hoc Test WEP", SecurityMode.WEP, "A1CEF53456A", 10); // 64bit key (10 Hex numbers)
            Debug.Print("Join the other peer of Ad-Hoc connection");
            NetworkInterface[] netif = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
            netif[0].EnableStaticIP("", "", "");
            Debug.Print("Set the other peer's IP to");
            Debug.Print("Try to ping this IP from the other peer");
            Debug.Print("Disconnect WiFi link.");
            Debug.Print("Disable WiFi interface");
            Debug.Print("The end of test");

        static void NetworkChange_NetworkAvailabilityChanged(object sender, NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs e)
            Debug.Print("Network Availability Event Triggered");
            if (e.IsAvailable)
                if (WiFi.IsEnabled)// Make sure that the event is fired by WiFi interface, not other networking interface.
                    if (WiFi.IsLinkConnected)

                        Debug.Print("Ad-Hoc Host started.");
                if (WiFi.IsEnabled)// Make sure that the event is fired by WiFi interface, not other networking interface.
                    if (!WiFi.IsLinkConnected)

                        Debug.Print("WiFi connection was dropped or disconnected!");


  static void NetworkChange_NetworkAvailabilityChanged(object sender, NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs e)
            Debug.Print("Network Availability Event Triggered");
            if (e.IsAvailable)
                if (WiFi.IsEnabled)// Make sure that the event is fired by WiFi interface, not other networking interface.
                    if (WiFi.IsLinkConnected)
                        Debug.Print("Ad-Hoc Host started.");
                if (WiFi.IsEnabled)// Make sure that the event is fired by WiFi interface, not other networking interface.
                    if (!WiFi.IsLinkConnected)
                        Debug.Print("WiFi connection was dropped or disconnected!");

This event occur only when i activate a new netwokr, and IsLinkConnected mean an actuall connection to a client ?

[quote]This event occur only when i activate a new netwokr, and IsLinkConnected mean an actuall connection to a client ?

only when you activate a new network.

Do you provide some interface to check the signal strength during a connection. Or perhaps signal strength of surrounding networks ? Just thinking :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes it is the RSSI

Thanks Joe…loking forward to this. 8)