I’m interested on your panda .net micro framework porting tutorial but when i build .net porting kit output how to install it on device?You only show load led blink native application to device.How can i load tinyclr output to device?And i want to traslate this tutorial to turkish as you permit.
Beginners Guide to Porting NETMF Sep. 5, 2010
Still under development.
It’s not a finished project, so how it stands today is as far as it’s progressed. Gus is doing this all on his own time so there’s no deadline to complete it. The important parts are probably related to the fact that the pandas are only just starting to arrive around the world, with the JTAG port that is necessary to deploy the “port” of netmf onto them. I’d expect now that’s happened, Gus might have more reason to keep the progress here going
I’m sure the team will welcome your offer of translating the documentation !
Can i start to translation?And do you have any spesific timeline to finish tutorial?I want to port 3.5" TFT native code for that open source project as listed here LVC75Z779 Eval Board Rev.1E.
No do not start on translating as it is going to change a lot. I am already working on it but I am not sure on when it will be complete but soon I hope.
That board you pointed out, what processor is on it? It says “image processor”! Is it ARM? If not then porting is not going to be fun. The book already explains why not
Although the book is not complete, you should read what is in there so far. It will get you far enough to do the rest on your own.
This module simply 3.5" TFT driver IC.It’s has the ability of jpeg encode,decode and capture jpeg frames from CMOS camera.So i want to implement native driver and use it in managed way on .net micro framework.(the tutorial native interop part).And when i complete i want to deploy my tinyclr to fez panda.But you mention on scatterfile_tinyclr_gcc.xml “USBizi_OpenSource - Gus: File needs to be updated” where some info for heap and stack barriers.can you help me on these subjects?And by the way where is the TinyBooter by the way?