A windows 8 wirelessly controller robot

One the most creative community members has been creating a lot of Gadgeteer modules and offering them for sale on our creations section. That latest creation is a Bluetooth 4.0 module His entry included this video of a Windows 8 tablet controlling an multicolor LED.


The second video was recently added demonstrating how to use the tilt sensor on a windows 8 tablet to wirelessly control a robot, FEZ Cerbot in this example. Thanks to Gadgeteer, all this hardware design is done without the need for soldering.

.NET Gadgeteer:https://www.ghielectronics.com/technologies/.net-gadgeteer
Community Creations: https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/creations
SMART Bluetooth Module: https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/creations/entry/20


Seeing as he has “way too much” time on his hands, I think we should have a balancing version next time


Not for awhile… “Project Firefly” will be sucking up my non existent free time.

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and so it should :whistle:

The wirelessly controlled Cerbot is pretty awesome. Is the source code available somewhere? I am sure my kids would love this.

@ rgelb - Now that Win8.1 and VS2013 are RTM i will update the code and post it.

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