A little HELP for Fez Panda II

My name is Paolo and i just received for gift a fez panda II, (Wonderful gift) and i start to search on the internet about it and now im here.
I’m starting to program in school with Visual Basic , Python , Javascript so you can say i’m a persistent noob in programming and i really like it…
Enough about me!
Now i have start to make something with fez panda II, i have the kit with all the blocks i think such temperature block relay buttons led touch screen etc.
Unfortunately i saw that is discontinued and i struggle to find code or how to make or use if you want the Fez panda II.
I have installed the express edition of C# 2010 and the tiny CLR and Micro.net.
Now i want to ask help in order to make small projects, and have some fun.

My questions are:
Where i can find Solid documentation about FEZ PANDA II ?
Where i can refer for some help in order to write code or issues with FEZ panda II?
Where i can find some code in order to use the block like the relay or the thermometer?
Do i need more time or is to advance for a novice in programming in order to make projects with Fez Panda II?

That’s all i think for the moment… :-[

Thank you in advance for your help! Or just for your time reading this!

Paolo Collu

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Welcome Paolo

I would uninstall the VS2010, and follow the instructions on .NET Micro Framework – GHI Electronics and install VS2013 and the SDKs as it says. Once you do that, you get full access to the older netmf 4.1 that you need for Pandas. From there, lets step thru the “beginners” document https://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/NETMF/NETMF_for_Beginners.pdf that will help you get started… just make sure when you want to create a new project for your Panda, you’ll need to select “netmf 4.1” in the bottom left corner of the new project dialog… Come back and ask some questions once you have either blinked the onboard LED or if you need help to do that

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… and here is a link, where to find the documents:


Hello Again
First of all THANK YOU Brett and RoSchmi for your help
it was very helpful! :slight_smile:
Now I follow everything by the book i hope…
[ol]Install VB2013 with update 4 -Check
Install MicroFrameWork 4.3 -Check
Install Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer Core -Check
Install GHI Electronics NETMF SDK 2016 R1 -Check
Install GHI Electronics NETMF Older SDK To play with fez panda after try to understand What’s going on -Check with netmf 4.1
START to be a very enthusiastic but try to be cool and prepare myself for a lot of frustrating complications try to be persistent and go on - Super Check[/ol]

[ul]Now I have open the VS and go to new project Visual Basic --> Micro FrameWork --> console Application --> OK
And then go to My Project --> and change .NET Micro Framework From 4.3 to 4.1 and realize that in not there… So i start With The following Questions :[/ul]
[ol]Is possible To write Code for the fez panda II in Visual Basic Or i will Try to write code in C#?
If it is possible to write code with the 4.2 maybe is compatible with fez panda II? I will have any problem?[/ol]

[em]I have learn Visual Basic And i think i will write code better, so if there is any chance to be able to write code in VB please inform me!

Now i will Try to connect the fez panda II with the pc and start at least to see if everything is ok with the drivers etc.

I hope i will have good news!

Thank You very much in advance for your Help!
I hope that my questions is not too stupid to be answered i’m new in the field in General!

Paolo Collu

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OK, so the “answer” is that by installing the GHI 2016 R1 SDK you get 4.1 compatibility, but if I recall the VB support only came in when the 4.2 SDKs came out, so Panda II won’t support VB.

So your step 5 was probably not needed, as the 2016 R1 SDK has support for Panda as per [url]https://www.ghielectronics.com/docs/313/discontinued-chipworkx-panda-i-and-ii-and-domino[/url] but that’s not going to allow you to do VB. Time to stretch and learn C# :slight_smile:

And I am so glad you kept #6 in check :slight_smile: We’re here to help, so please keep asking questions and learning more !

There’s no way you can write code in 4.2 and deploy to Panda, sorry. The firmware image that the Panda has only contains 4.1, and if you tried to deploy 4.2 code to it, it would fail or at a minimum would not work the way you wanted it to.


Hello Again!
First Of All Thank you Very very much Brett for your help.

After Many hours of reading and try to open my mind and stay focused and believe me many many many problems for a beginner i hope, i managed to make the LED BLINK!!!
As you ask me to do in order to start to talk more seriously and now i realize why!
It was very hard at least for me to prepare all for start to write code and have at least a first sign of life from the fez panda II ! :wink:

I didn’t want to bother you for every step and problem in order to do that i don’t want to take advantage of your help and time and form all the other in the forum.
So in the meanwhile the led is blinking… and i’m starting to think what i will do with the fez panda II first…
Many think i want to do and i try be logical and have plausible project.
From the line above to the line below , past 34 minutes and i did manage to blink the led with a button with code change that i will copy below…

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ;
public class Program
    static OutputPort MyLED = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.LED, true);
    static InputPort MyButton = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.Di0 , false,
    public static void Main()
        while (true)

I have the board that go and connect from above of the FEZ PANDA II I think the name of the board is “FEZ connect Shield V1.5” it have some analog and digital IO and connections that go to the block’s.
I don’t know if this board is standard on every kit for the fez panda II so i mention it, hoping that you will have better image with what i have to try use…

So i was staring the fez and think!
And for a small start i want to use the screen and the thermometer!
My questions are:
[ol]How i will use the thermometer in order to see values?
How i will Print the value on the screen?[/ol]
P.S> i have a thermometer E-Block and the screen says on the board FEZ touch V1.0

Thank You very much again for your time in advance!

Paolo Collu

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great that you started to think about the other things you might want to try next. How about I give you a few “research items” that you can go and try?

So you figured out how to change the state based on if the button was pressed or not. What about if you want to use the button to toggle the LED? So press it once and LED comes on, press it again and LED comes off? You can do that at least three different ways I can think of, so try to think of them (hint: one isn’t just reading it in a loop, it’ll be “interrupts”)

You can also find some great introductory things about C# in section 6 (page 13) of the beginners guide link I posted earlier… and it’s really worth just stepping in through those and doing the samples they talk about.

Once you have a few of those concepts under your belt, you’ll need to start thinking about classes and using someone else’s provided “driver” for things like the thermometer and the display. Both of the devices you have, have drivers around the place, so there will be code you can reuse and not write from scratch yourself. Testing each of those in a simple app, that just uses the display or reads the temp, is a good way of approaching those. Search “codeshare” for drivers for both of those.

But lets also start thinking about the “structure” of your app. For example, how often are you going to display the temperature? Do you want it to automatically display an updated temp, or do you want the display to only come on when the user presses a button, and just display the temp then? Maybe you want a timeout so that the screen goes off after a time? How might you structure that logic part of your app… Then, how will you include the driver components you found above, and use the expertise you found with the two devices, to help create this enhanced app?

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Many to choose from over here…

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https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/codeshare/entry/22 I suspect is the right driver for your thermometer.

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and here’s an awesome test app for you once you have got the basics sorted.
Nice one Rajesh!

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Forum Fez

Hello again!
First off all i want to thank you brett very very much again for your help and time and very specific informations AND effort to the forum!
I’m really glad that i started writing in the GHI electronics Forum! :slight_smile:

Now i’m trying to read everything…
So i’m having a overflow of informations!

I have load the temperature block example that you send me brett and it works like a charm!
I only need to make minor tweaks in order to calibrate the block to read the right air temperature and turn the screen to Portrait orientation!
I’m not very comfortable with the C# language but i can start to understand and read some code!
Now i’m starting to understand more the purpose of the fez panda II and i think is a lot more than i initially believed to be!!!
(REALLY HAPPY) :slight_smile:
So now i have a more complete purpose for the small BIG panda.
For start i will make it a very good and customizable thermostat in order to achieve things that i can not to with my standard thermostat at the moment than i want to connect the fez panda to more things like lights and who knows what more can i do, when i will be capable to do it!

So my next tasks are:
[ol]Learn basics for C# so i well write some code not only read and tweak!!!
Learn how to use right the temperature block and the relay.
Combine this knowlege in order to make a small thermostat with reading diplay for start then edit temperature maybe on the display or with the buttons…
Hoping i will find some code maybe from others that have already make something like that…
For the moment i will read and try and loop that * 1000![/ol]
I will of course keep you updated on my project and any help is welcome!
Of course i will come back for the frustrating unsolved problems that i’m sure that i will have!! :slight_smile: (No Problems/No FUN)

Thank You Again brett for your help!

Thank you in advance all for the help and time!

Paolo Collu

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sounds like you’ve made some great steps, glad to have helped. Some things to think about in real world control are about how you can (should) interface to commercial equipment via things like relays, it might be hard to figure out how those existing controls work and it may be illegal to interface into mains power, so definitely take extreme care and research lots about what you can/can’t do. But you have made great steps in the right direction. Feel free to start a new thread when you have a specific issue that you need help with now we’ve got the basics under control.

C# Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners | Microsoft Learn is a good resource if you haven’t seen it.