A Gadgeteeer review from an expert

Mitchel Sellers, a .NET Expert, shares his thought on .NET Gadgeteer. Here are some parts of his blog post.

[quote]First Impressions of Gadgeteer?

I have to say from the first project I started until now I am still 100% impressed with the way that the Gadgeteer system works. It is simple, easy to use, and has a plethora of connections and additional modules to create/control things in any manner that you can use.

[quote]My Game

The game that I created is VERY rudimentary in implementation, but was done in less than two hours and only took a little bit of tweaking to get decent play. The premise is simple, there are objects falling in a random pattern you need to catch them before they fall off of the screen. The following video shows the game in action.

Simple implementation with two timers and the use of rectangles for drawing.


I have been having a lot of fun with the Gadgeteer implementation and will be working to blog more here about in-depth code for some of my next ventures, including the ability to take data and post to a remote server.

Mitchel’s complete blog post: Oops! Requested Post Unavailable! | Mitchel Sellers
Presentation and example projects: http://mitchelsellers.com/Portals/1/Articles/Downloads/201208-GadgeteerAssets.zip
.NET Gadgeteer: http://www.ghielectronics.com/products/dotnet-gadgeteer

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Good one!