A Classic Image

A Classic


What are the rewards ? 20 000$, 50 000$ ? :wink:

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@ willgeorge - Are they out on the streets yet?

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Perhaps the reward is in exp points here? :slight_smile:

How many exp points Gus have ? :whistle:

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@ Terrence -
Are they out on the streets …

Yes, but I think they have to be inside at sundown.

I just thought it was a great picture…

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@ IanLee has been here twice and still hasn’t caught us! Hell we even put him in a video! We are that untouchable!

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@ Gary - That’s because he just an Informant!

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And it looks like Garry is 6’ 8’ and Gus is 6’ 3" Who is possibly wanted to mess with these two guys :smiley:


Why would I cash in a warrant for a couple guys wearing such awesome shirts???

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