A 400Mhz arduino from Intel

Do you know what this means? FEZ Medusa Shield will let you use Gadgeteer modules at 400Mhz! That is native 400Mhz :slight_smile:


Of course this is not to be compared with 400Mhz FEZ Raptor. Each one has its own advantages, take debugging over USB for example.


My initial reaction…

Eagle + STM32 + Justin = Easy…
Eagle + Quark + Justin = I don’t think so…

And it aint C#… :whistle:

Wonder what the BOM would cost for you & I?

It is definitely is not DIY friendly. Take a look at the back side of that thing:

Lots of nice wavy lines in there. Must admit, high speed design is not something I have had any experience of as yet but would love to have a good some day as a learning exercise. Need an excuse to use the line length tuning that is built into the PCB software as the demo looks cool :slight_smile:

I haven’t downloaded the Alegro files and tried an import but I suspect this is at least 6 or more layers so well beyond the normal Arduino hobbiest.

@ Dave McLaughlin - Looks like it.

That board is a via-polooza!

You do not need to look anywhere. It uses DDR3 and this rules out DYI and EAGLE. But if it is cheap then who cares about making it, just buy it…like on raspberry pi and beaglebone.

I agree, If you need it just for a project.
But what I like about Arduino is how easy it is to take the AVR chip put it on a custom board and you have an arduino compatible gadget (FEZ Medusa for example). Same goes for STM32 and netmf.

It would have been nice to have a similar flexibility with 400MHz arduino chip.

How about a SOM?

@ Mike SOM will work.

Is there a chance that NetMF becomes compatible with that SOC in the near future???

@ -=Hulk=- - Somebody will have to port NETMF for that SOC.

@ -=Hulk=- - It is unlikely that GHI will port MF to this chip since they already have the G400 SOM.

It wouldn’t need to be GHI, but I agree, other MS or Intel doing it, I do think it’s unlikely.

The only way I would see Intel doing it is expand the surface area of the battle against ARM based systems.

*** thinking out loud in my ignorace ***

This has a lot more going on with this setup than a typical mCu based system. Correct me if I am wrong, but the Quark is more CPU than mCu. Most of the I/O is done outside of Quark vs the integration of an mCu.

The benefit of the Quark, if it continues be a non-SoC, is that when Intel produces faster chips or more energy efficient or both, as long as they are instruction and pin compatible, you could “just” use that instead.

Plus Intel is open to modification of the cpu and doing fab work on this. So if a company wanted to build a product around the Quark and thought "if only it could do this in h/w as well … ", now they can have that, for a price obviously.