$70 Windows phone

MS has announced $70 phone - Lumia 430. For this price you get:

  • 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7
  • 4 inch screen, 480x800
  • 8 GB of storage
  • 1 GB of RAM
  • WiFi, BT4.0, GPS
  • 2 MP camera
  • FM radio

If you wanted to have something functionally similar in Gadgeteer environment it would cost you:

  • Raptor - $99.95
  • Display T43 - $59.95
  • WiFi RS21 - $79.95
  • Bluetooth SMART - $40
  • Serial Camera L1 - $26.95
  • (Many other modules)

You do the math. Yes, I know you cannot compare one to another. And no, I am not complaining about the prices or anything.
Just think - what if that phone would be hackable. How crazy it would be if you could access all or most of this phone technical features from NETMF board :slight_smile:


Well, actually you can already without hacking the phone …

@ PiWi - How?

@ iamin - software, make command center, take in custom commands to control that what you look for even from the cloud if you want to … not all but to a great extend, you can control and use the phone to your likin’ … kind of … at least you don’t need to crack open the phone …

If only we could connect these devices to a Gadgeteer mboard.

@ Mr. John Smith - Medusa

@ Mr. John Smith - Easy peasy… Just get one of @ Justin’s handy BT Smart modules. :slight_smile:

Why not attach a BT4.0 module to your Gadgeteer board and simple command send/receive this through a WP UAP piece of software and some netmf code. You can go both ways if you setup a listener and receiver on both sides …

I could easily control a cerbot with a WP play tunes and drive around all thru BT …

Using VS2013, NetMf 4.3.1 and Gadgeteer

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@ Devhammer - Beat me by just 39 secs … but you know what they say about great minds :whistle:

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@ PiWi - Hi, Peter. Would be nice to see it as a CodeShare project.

Here you go https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum/topic?id=18755&page=1#msg185749

Thanks, I’ll try as soon as possible. I have all the incredients but did not yet get the Time.