I’ll have to update my specs to include this available update to my new products…
I’d like to thank you guy’s… My customer left this afternoon…Drooling… I had a pretty good demo to show him thanks to several modfications to the GHI demo.
He thought it looked awesome… I have another comming in later in the week…
Yep, I had ordered the screen and a Cobra on Wednesday and chose overnight shipping thinking that I could get it before the weekend but then got an email yesterday saying that you wouldn’t get the screens in until today. I did just receive a shipping notice so that’s good. I’ll just have to wait through the weekend for my new toys
We try our best to ship products the same day but sometimes we get more orders than we can handle. Sorry you had to wait but the good news is that you will love the display when you see it
No problem - I’m excited to see what I can do with it. Looks like a really nice screen. One question: with this screen is it better to power the Cobra with a 6V ps or use a regulated 5V one to bypass the onboard regulators? Or does it really matter?