4.3" LCD from GHI in the future?

Is there a plan for GHI to make a 4.3" LCD for gadgeteer in the future?

We have 7" with capacitive screen coming soon…and yes it is multi-touch :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community.

Some of us will always want the 4.2 option thought. It’s the perfect middle ground of size and resource requirements.

We are trying to bring the small option and the large option then we can fill gas later if needed.

There is 4.3" display from sytech but someone didn’t recommend so check with manufacture before ordering.

Gas powered LCD? Awesome! :wink:

As long as Gus is not talking about pants gas. Gus gas.

Ah it’s the weekend here and it’s a long weekend, god bless the Queen who gives us a birthday holiday this Monday :slight_smile:

Gaps. This is funny

Ah it’s the weekend here and it’s a long weekend, god bless the Queen who gives us a birthday holiday this Monday :slight_smile:
[/quote]Crikey Brett, how many birthdays does this woman need? She was born April 21st 1926 (actual birthday), you guys in Oz mostly pick 2nd Monday in June, except WA and QLD who think it’s around October time. NZ thinks it’s 1st Monday in June, Canada thinks it’s last Monday in May before 25th May. UK thinks it’s early June too, in spite of the fact that we’ve had 86 years to get used to it being actually 21st April. If she incremented a year every time some country in her dominion celebrated her official birthday, I reckon she’d be over 300 by now. We’re just clearing away the bunting from the Jubilee, putting it safe somewhere to break out again for the 65th, 70th, 75th Jubilees - she’s indestructible.

Maybe she just doesn’t like having an April birthday bc of the weather and REALLY likes cake so she has everyone celebrate at different times so she can visit and have yummy snacks.

Well, if nothing else, it’s a great excuse to have a holiday. And if you were travelling, you could probably figure out a world tour that stopped off at all the parts of the empire and get an extra day off work because of all these public holidays; plus, you get to have cake and who doesn’t like cake !