4.1 usbizi devices not recognized in VS2010

I dragged out some of my older boards for some halloween lighting and discovered to my dismay that VS2010 no longer recognizes them. The latest version of FEZ Config does though. I’ve got both 4.1 and 4.3 SDKs installed on the same machine. I do see the GHI NETMF interface in device manager. Any ideas?

Did you try old drivers that came with 4.1 SDK?

that worked. so we can’t do 4.1/4.3 development on the same machine? bummer…

I used to be able to use old and new devices. But haven’t tried it in awhile.

yah, it seems to have changed with 4.3. i never had issues with 4.2 and 4.1 together.

May be we need to give GHI a weekend challenge for once. Rebuild USBizi firmware for 4.3. :wink:

Already tried. It we get it to fit, you will have no memory left for your application. Don’t worry, there are chips with more RAM available now and we already have something in the oven, simmering slowly and beautifully.

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