2015 NETMF and Gadgeteer R1 Pre-Release

@ rockybooth -

How about if call this before opening the uart:

SerialPort mySerial = new (...);
mySerial .Open();

@ Dat
I can try that, but I do not have a reference to ManufacturerUse. What reference is that in?
ALso, I cannot find any mention of that method or property in the documentation - what does it do?

@ rockybooth -

Cool, this method is documented with “Don’t use”

Just for testing and give me the result :smiley:

Uninstalled everything reinstalled, tried to fire up FezConfig and got the following error:

Fully updated Windows 8.1 64 bit system.

@ Duke Nukem - Did you forget to install the NETMF SDK from MS? Or may be it failed to register some GAC stuff.

@ Reinhard Ostermeier - I believe I installed everything, MFDeploy starts Ok for example.

Did I miss some instructions around the GAC?

@ Duke Nukem - I guess not. Normally there is nothing to than install NETMF SDK, then GHI SDK. And FEZ Config runs even without GHI SDK installed.
It was just a wild guess what could have went wrong during NETMF SDK setup.
I would simply reinstall all NETMF related stuff.

@ Dat:
When I include that line I get an error:
BTW, I am working in VB.
What did you expect to happen?

@ rockybooth -

What version are you using?
I just tried in and no exception found.

@ Dat:
Its a rather large program:
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: ThrusterMicro ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.RS232 ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer.DaisyLink ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer.SPI ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: CommonInstrumentMicro ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.DisplayT43 ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Library ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.RS485 ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.IngenuityMicro.RfPipe ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHI.Usb ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.IngenuityMicro.LedLevel ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: ThrusterDeckBoxRev3 ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualBasic ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHI.Hardware ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.MulticolorLED ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: CommonMicro ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer.Serial ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHIElectronics.Gadgeteer.FEZRaptor ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: System ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.MicroSDCard ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.USBClientDP ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer ( Resolving.

@ rockybooth -

that exception does not relate to how large your program is.
Create new application, add only that function and run it to see what happens.

@ Dat:
I created a program with only that function and ran it. As far as I can tell that function did nothing, not even any smoke from the Raptor. It would be helpful to me to know what to expect and why you want me to run it.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports Microsoft.SPOT
Imports GHI.Processor

Namespace DatTest

    Public Module Module1

        Sub Main()

            ManufacturerUse.Configure(0, New Byte() {0})

        End Sub

    End Module

End Namespace

@ rockybooth - You are not testing UART. Use that line before initializing and opening your UART port and verify if your reported issue persists.

@ iamin, @ Dat:
My problem is that I have a solution with 5 projects, 3 uart streams at 115200baud generating interrupts, a polled motor thread that runs at 10 Hz, and a T43 display with frequent updating… This polled motor thread will stop generating interrupts after some random interval ranging from an hour to > 30 hours. Shortly after the interrupts stop, the program will reboot. If the program detects that too long has passed without an interrupt, it will record this to SDcard and log on the screen. Some time (<1 hour) after this happens, the program will reboot for unknown reasons (nothing recorded in the immediate window).
If this ManufacturerUse property has something to do with the UART as iamin suggests, then I probably need to have all UART streams running, not just a simple open a comport and wait program. I am guessing that the problem has something to do with processor load, and timing of interrupts, in which case I need the full program running.
If I introduce the ManufacturerUse line in the polled motor thread just before initializing the serialport, the program crashes as reported earlier in this thread. If I introduce that line at the start of the program, nothing noticeable happens (no error) and the program runs for at least 12 hours. If I am going to run this for >30 hours to see if something unknown might happen, then I guess I will see what happens.
It would be nice to have an idea what this line is supposed to do.

@ rockybooth - That line is a “secret” way to change the UAERT driver internally on G400. This way we can see if the old driver solved the problem or not. All you agave to do is add that line at the start of your code and run the dame application.

@ Gus, @ Dat:
Thanks, testing underway. It will probably be a few days… Hopefully longer
Rocky :stuck_out_tongue:

@ rockybooth -

You don’t need to add that line at first line of main, although I don’t know why you got exception. I have tried both C# and VB all are fine.
There is only exception when you call that line after opened serial? Did you?
Just make sure that that line is called before you open the serials.
If you are not accessing internet, I highly recommend you should try to add that line.

@ Dat:
The reason for the error might be that I added the ManufacturerUse line in the thread before the problem comport was started, but not before other comports were opened in the main thread. I am now testing with the ManufacturerUse at the start of the program.
I have no network connection to this system being tested. Stay tuned…