$1 72-Hour Sale!

Everyone loved the $1 Holy Board last year so we decided to hold a 72 hour $1 sale on several items. Please click here to see this fantastic sale.

Sale Items: https://www.ghielectronics.com/catalog/sale


@ Gary - Just purchased 20 Motor Drivers :slight_smile:

God Help GHI.

One can never have too many holy boards.

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Do you even own 20 motors?! :wall:

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@ Gus - I will soon.

@ Gary - Any chance there will be more USB-Serial SP Modules? They must have gone pretty quickly.

@ Bill_Wyo - $1 sale. Of course they will go quickly :slight_smile: sorry what you see online is what we have.

Good thing I got 5 of those USB to Serial Modules :slight_smile:

Yes, I was going to splurge for a couple motor controllers too, but there was only 1 left. :frowning:

@ mtylerjr - Because John Smith is a greedy guy :frowning:

So many glorious motor drivers. Gary must have had ants in his eyes.

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Man, not only did you grab them all, but then you gloat about it and show them off to all the people who lost out :frowning:
You are like the Trump of engineers!


@ mtylerjr - Its only 20 of them.

I know :slight_smile: Its just after your 20, there was only 1 left (was going to buy two, lol)

Anyway, I’m not really mad. Just jealous that I missed out :slight_smile:

Actually there were 5 left - then I took 4.


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@ mtylerjr - :-[ If i’d known there were so few, I would have purchased 10 then. My bad.

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Oh! So -you’re- to blame then! lol


OCD - Don’t like odd numbers. :-[


And of course i missed the sale… Looks like the sale is going always when I’m on vacation.

I hope this would happen again soon… :think: