WiFiRN171 on Fez Reptor gives timeoutexception

Hi all,

I am trying to connect a WiFiRN171 module on socket 1 of my Fez Raptor. When i then try to use it, it returns a TimeOutException it happens on every method i call on it. Is this a known issue or is this module also broken again ?



@ WimEling - Does it still fail if you try other sockets?

Hi John,

It fails in different sockets, i read somewhere on the forum that maybe it has to do with wrong baud rate but i cant seem to change it.



Hi, you can try it with this driver

Hi RoSchmi i have tried your driver and also no luck

     var wifi = new WiFi_RN171(4);

nothing more then this code and the output is testing different baud rates but none seem to bee compatible. I Allready tried different sockets on my raptor no luck either.

Did you chance the baudrate or can we assume that it still in the State as it was set by GHI?

Edit: If the baudrate was not changed I would try it with my modification of the driver and the constructor:

wifi_RN171 = new WiFi_RN171(1, 115200, GTI.SerialParity.None, GTI.HardwareFlowControl.NotRequired);

don’t forget to set the #define directive in the driver Class WiFi_RN171_Ro_43.cs to

#define GhiRN171_OrXBeeAdapt_Module

and in ProgramStarted to

#define GhiRN171_OrXBeeAdapt_Module

as well

Hi RoSchmi,

I would not know how to change the baud rate so it is safe to assume that is still the way it was set by GHI.

i had changed the directive in your cs file. But not in the program started after i added the directive in the programstarted it did not make a change still nothing

Try to set the the baudrate to 9600

wifi_RN171 = new WiFi_RN171(1, 9600, GTI.SerialParity.None, GTI.HardwareFlowControl.NotRequired);

There is a bug in my program that it does not work if the baudrate was not changed but hardwareflowcontrol was changed.
BTW: hardwareflowcontrol does not work on the raptor.

Perhaps it could help if you post the contents of the output window.


Still no luck als with the different baud rate. This is the output i am receiving

FlowControl = False
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 9600
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 9600
Trying Baudrate: 38400 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 38400 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 38400 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 38400 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 38400
Trying Baudrate: 57600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 57600 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 57600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 57600 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 57600
Trying Baudrate: 115200 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 115200 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 115200 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 115200 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 115200
Trying Baudrate: 230400 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 230400 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 230400 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 230400 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 230400
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 9600
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 0
Trying Baudrate: 9600 Parity: 2
Message from Class RN171: Could not connect to WiFly-Module with baudrate 9600

Seem that the RN171 does not answer on the commands.
One way to get out of this would be to make a hardware factory reset.
But this is a little bit tricky an perhaps dangerous to kill it.

You can restore the default factory configuration settings in software and hardware.

• Software - In command mode, use the factory RESET command to restore the
defaults. This command automatically loads the default settings and executes a
save command. Next, send the reboot command so that the module reboots with
the default configuration.

• Hardware - Set GPIO9 high on power up to arm the factory reset function. Then
toggle GPIO9 five (5) times, which restores the configuration to the factory reset.
GPIO9 is sampled at about 1 Hz; therefore, if you are using a CPU to generate the
signal, make sure that GPIO9 transitions (high to low or low to high) are at least 1
second long.

After a hardware reset the Baudrate is 9600.

Would be better if you could do it by commands.
Do you have a USB Serial module to send commands to the RN171 with my Utility?

Another idea is to connect to the RN171 via Telnet port 2000.
In the original GHI configuration the RN171 should boot into AP mode.
Can you see a RN171 SSID when has booted?
Perhaps a look on this thread is helpful:

