WiFi (zeroG)

I’LL SEND YOU A CASE OF MY BEST RUM…if I can finally get this to work! :slight_smile:

OK, here is what the MFDeploy screen loks like…THIS WORKS :slight_smile: However…no matter what I try…I can’t seem to write the code that does the same thing…have NO IDEA what I am doing wrong here… Here is the code have:

WiFiSettings.Ssid = "HAMILTON";
WiFiSettings.NetworkKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("bda49b86d94f1557026a21e0169393c4ee07b86be638f6c5e20a3596267d5218");
WiFiSettings.Radio = Wireless80211.RadioType.n;
WiFiSettings.Encryption = Wireless80211.EncryptionType.WPAPSK;
WiFiSettings.Authentication = Wireless80211.AuthenticationType.Shared;
Wireless80211.SaveConfiguration(new Wireless80211[] { WiFiSettings}, false);

and…that fails…any ideas are GREATLY appreciated…Thanks

WiFiSettings.NetworkKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("bda49b86d94f1557026a21e0169393c4ee07b86be638f6c5e20a3596267d5218

Try this instead

WiFiSettings.NetworkKey = new byte[]{0xbd,0xa4,0x9b,...etc

Thanks Joe…Will Do :slight_smile:

JOE…YOU ARE MY HERO!!! :slight_smile: That was the trick, it is finally connecting to this network…had no idea when I set this network up that it would be such a pain to connect to…guess that is a “Good Thing”? Arrrrg…OK…Only thing left to do…Is to send you that case of Rum…you send the address for delivery and it is on it’s way my friend :slight_smile:
