WiFi options for FEZ Cobra III?

@ EvoMotors - Which SDK are you using?

GHI Electronics NETMF SDK 2016 R1 Pre-Release 2

@ EvoMotors - Right after the constructor for the WiFiRS9110, can you call UpdateFirmware?

Just did. Here is the exception:

#### Exception GHI.Networking.WiFiRS9110+HardwareFailureException - 0x00000000 (1) ####
#### Message: 
#### GHI.Networking.WiFiRS9110::ThrowFailure [IP: 0007] ####
#### GHI.Networking.WiFiRS9110::UpdateFirmware [IP: 0031] ####
#### MFWindowApplication1.Program::Main [IP: 0069] ####

Exception thrown: ‘GHI.Networking.WiFiRS9110.HardwareFailureException’ in GHI.Networking.dll

Is LED on the WiFi module suppose to be lit when powered?

Just in case, this is the code:

NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged += NetworkChange_NetworkAvailabilityChanged;
NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += NetworkChange_NetworkAddressChanged;

WiFiRS9110 netif = new WiFiRS9110(GHI.Pins.FEZCobraIII.SpiBus.Spi2, GHI.Pins.FEZCobraIII.Gpio.D51, 
      GHI.Pins.FEZCobraIII.Gpio.D50, GHI.Pins.FEZCobraIII.Gpio.D59, 24000);


netif.Join(ssid, passphrase);

 while (netif.IPAddress == "")

WiFi module connected to the SU Socket of the GXP Gadgeteer Bridge

@ EvoMotors - Can you remove the last argument in the constructor: “24000”.

It does work without clockRate! Now I feel stupid for not trying to remove it on my own.
What is the correct clockRate?

Thank you!

@ EvoMotors - When using the WiFi RS21 we usually use a SPI clock between 4000 and 12000.

Thanks, good to know. I once grabbed the 24.000 from another thread without having doubts (on the raptor it worked).