I use FEZ Spider with WiFi_RS21, UsbHost and Display_T35
On the display there should be always a overview for some data (e.g. time, IP and in the moment some random values (simulate user actions))
I have some code to connect with wifi after USBDriveConnected event, the usb-stick has an special file containing SSID and PASSPHRASE.
After connecting the display stand still for more than 20 seconds, I tried to start the wifi init in an second thread but then it always throw an exception.
What I have to do, that the wifi don’t block the display until connecting?
Here some relevant parts of my code:
Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics.WiFi_RS21.WiFiNetworkInfo info = new WiFi_RS21.WiFiNetworkInfo();
info.SSID = SSID;
info.SecMode = WiFi_RS21.SecurityMode.WPA2;
info.networkType = WiFi_RS21.NetworkType.AccessPoint;
wifi.Join(info, PASSPHRASE);
The Display shows
InfoClass : Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Window
with one UIElement that draws an Bitmap from Resources (in the constructor loaded) and one Text element
I tried to update the display with an timer, but the timer stops too while the wifi connect.